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Science and Technology

It’s information for the candidates, we have provided the details information about Department of Science & Technology. The PDF Link Given below. Candidates download the PDF & Prepare well for your Exams.

Department of Science & Technology:

In its endeavour to strengthen India’s science and technology capacity and capability, the Department of Science and Technology has kept its pace by implementing several planned initiatives through its central governmental S&T Departments/Ministries to enable Indian S&T community to increase scientific and technological outputs. Important establishments under Department of S&T are:

  • National S&T Entrepreneurship Development Board
  • Vigyan Prasar, New Delhi
  • Science and Society
  • National Resource Data Management System
  • National S&T Management Information System
  • Science and Technology Policy
  • Survey of India, Dehradun
  • Indian Meteorological Department, New Delhi
  • Science and Engineering Research Council
  • National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories
  • National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organization, Kolkata
  • National Council for Science and Technology Communication
  • National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting another Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council, New Delhi.
  • Inter-sectorial Advisory Committee of Government Departments/Ministries.
  • International Science and Technology (S&T) Cooperation.
  • Grand-in-aid to Academic Bodies and Autonomous Research Institutes

Department of Science and Technology:

  1. Science and Technology Policy
  2. Scientific Programmes
  3. Scientific Services
  4. Statutory Board
  5. Autonomous S&T Institutions
  6. Inter-Sectoral Advisory Committee of Government Departments/Ministries
  7. Professional Bodies

 Professional S&T Bodies in India:

  • Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi
  • Indian Academy of Sciences, Bengaluru
  • Indian National Academy of Engineering, New Delhi
  • The National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad
  • The Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata

Important Autonomous S&T Institutions of India:

  • Agharkar Research Institute, Pune
  • Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational- Sciences, Nainital
  • Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow
  • Bose Institute, Kolkata
  • Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences
  • Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata
  • Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bengaluru
  • Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Mumbai
  • Institute of Nano Science and Technology, Mohali
  • International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials, Hyderabad
  • The Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology, Guwahati
  • Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bengaluru
  • National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories, New Delhi
  • Raman Research Institute, Bengaluru
  • N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata
  • Sreechitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram
  • Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC), New Delhi
  • Vigyan Prasar, New Delhi
  • Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun

Science and Engineering Research Board:

The Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) has been involved in activities for human capacity building through science and engineering research. Besides supporting individual scientist centric R&D projects through 19 programme advisory committees, the Board has launched several new initiatives viz. Empowerment and Equity opportunities for Excellence in Science for enhancing participation of scientists from the weaker sections of the society; SERB Women Excellence Award to enrol large
number of women into S&T activities; SERB Distinguished Fellowship Scheme.

National Geographical Information System:

The National Geographical Information System (NGIS) offering services and imageries on cyber space has been prioritized. A major initiative to launch NGIS with 41 layers of information products on spatial maps was initiated. NGIS is expected to offer a unique set of services for people by providing GIS  data products of high utility value.

National Mission on Nano Science and Technology:

It is an umbrella programme-was launched in the year 2007 to promote R&D in this emerging area of research in a comprehensive fashion. The main objectives of the Nano Mission are-basic research promotion, research infrastructure development, nano applications and technology development, human resource development, international collaborations and orchestrating national dialogues. During the year 2013- 14, India secured 3rd position in the world in terms of scientific publications in nano science and technology. It is widely acknowledged in the country that Nano Mission’s activities played an important role in achieving this milestone.

National Missions on Climate Change:

Two National Missions on Climate Change i.e. (i) National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem (NMSHE) and (ii) National Mission for Strategic Knowledge on Climate Change [NMSKCC] launched under National Action Plan for Climate Change (NAPCC) are under implementation by the Department. As part of deliverables of these national missions, 6 major research programmes have been initiated:

  1. Socio Economic Vulnerability of Himachal Pradesh to Climate Change, at Integrated Research for Action and Development (IRADe), New Delhi;
  2. Strengthening of existing Centre of Excellence in Climate Change – Divecha Centre for Climate Change, IISc, Bengaluru;
  3. Inter-University Consortium on Himalayan Cryosphere: Science, and Society, coordinated by JNU, New Delhi and participated by three other universities;
  4. Madhya Pradesh State Climate Change Knowledge Management Centre (MPSCCKMC) at EPCO, Bhopal;
  5. Building an ‘International Research Network on Sustainability to Enhance Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change’ at IndoGerman Centre for Sustainability, IIT, Chennai; and
  6. National Knowledge Networks on Climate Change two networks one each on Climate Change Science and Modelling and Climate Change Science and Human Health coordinated by IIT, Delhi and participated by a number of institutions.

National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board:

The National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB), established in 1982, is an institutional mechanism to promote knowledge driven and technology-based entrepreneurship among S&T persons through its programmes and activities. The Board aims to integrate innovation and entrepreneurship in academia, through various initiatives with a view to translate knowledge to wealth and convert ‘jobseekers’ into ‘job-generators’.

Technology Business Incubators:

Technology business incubator (TBI) is a programme of NSTEDB for fostering innovative and knowledge-based start-ups into sustainable businesses by involving interactions from academia and providing specialized support services, early stage financing, networking among stake holders etc.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centres:

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centres (IEDC) have been promoted in education institutions to develop institutional mechanism to create entrepreneurial culture in academic institutions to foster growth of innovation and entrepreneurship amongst the faculty and students.

i-STED (Innovation, Science and Technology Led Entrepreneurship Development): Programme

The new programme, i-STED initiated in FY 2013-14 aims at inculcating strong entrepreneurial orientation in people to translate already developed innovative/ S&T solutions in the market.

STED Programme:

The programme on Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development (STED) aims to promote micro-enterprises leading to local area development.

DST-Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2013:

The India Innovation Growth Programme (1IGP), 2013 added further impetus to the ongoing efforts through knowledge partnership from Stanford Graduate School of Business (GBS), Stanford University, USA.

National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organization:

Founded in 1956 as the National Atlas Organization, it was renamed as the National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organization (NATMO) in 1 978 to give institution a broad. Based responsibility in the field of thematic cartography and geographical research. The first National Atlas of India in Hindi popularly known as Bharat: Rastriya Atlas having a 26 multi-colour maps with a scale of 1:5 million portraying a comprehensive physical and sociocultural structure of the country was published in 1957 and was acclaimed the world over as a unique publication. Apart from the above project the organization has taken up various projects either from the outside agencies or on its own. Its major functions include:

  • Compilation of the National Atlas of India
  • Preparation of the National Atlas maps in regional languages
  • Preparation of thematic maps based on research studies on environmental and associated
  • aspects and their impact on social and economic development
  • Any other work entrusted by the Central Government or its agencies to the NATMO
  • Installation of automated Mapping System for increasing speed and efficiency in mapping
  • Division of Digital mapping System and Digitized and Scanning of existing maps on digital format
  • Geographical Researches
  • Remote Sensing and GIS, Digital Image processing
  • Division on Cartography for the Visually Impaired
  • Capacity and Infrastructure building of the NATMO to convert/to upgrade in digital mode

Survey of India:

The National Survey and Mapping Organization of India, set up in 1767, is the oldest scientific department of the Government of India. It has evolved rich traditions over the years. The Survey of India acts as adviser to the Government of India on all survey matters, viz. Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Mapping and Map Reproduction. However, the main duties and responsibilities of the Survey of India are enumerated below:

  • All Geodetic Control (Horizontal and Vertical) and Geodetic and Geophysical surveys.
    All Topographical Control, Surveys and Mapping within India.
  • Mapping and Production of Geographical Maps and Aero-nautical Charts.
  • Surveys for Developmental Projects.
  • Survey of Forests, Cantonments, large-scale city surveys, guide maps, cadastral surveys etc.
  • Survey and Mapping of special maps.
  • Spellings of Geographical names.
  • Demarcation of the External Boundaries of the Republic of India, their depiction on maps published in the country and also advice on the demarcation of inter-state boundaries.
  • Training of officers and staff required for the Department, trainees from Central Government Departments and States and trainees from Foreign Countries as are sponsored by the Government of India.
  • Research and Development in Cartography, Printing, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Topographical Surveys and Indigenization.
  • Prediction of tides at 44 ports including 14 foreign ports and publication of Tide Tables one year in advance to support navigational activities.
  • Scrutiny and Certification of external boundaries of India and Coastline on maps published by the other agencies including private publishers.

National Map Policy (Rashtriya Manchitran Niti)

The responsibility to create, preserve and distribute the topographic map database of the India, which is the foundation of all spatial data vests with the Survey of India (SOI). All socio-economic developmental undertakings, management of natural resources, preparation for disaster mitigation and infrastructure development need high-quality spatial data. To ensure that in the furtherance of this policy, national security objectives are fully safeguarded, SOI works on two series of maps:

  • Defence Series Maps (DSMs) – These will be the topographical maps on various scales and will mainly cater for defence and national security requirements.
  • Open Series Maps (OSMs) – OSMs will be brought out exclusively by SOI, primarily for supporting development activities in the country.

National Topographical Data Base:

SOI will keep on producing, improving and preserving the National Topographical Data Base (NTDB) in analogue and digital forms consisting of following data sets:
(a) National Spatial Reference Frame,
(b) National Digital Elevation Model,
(c) National Topographical Template,
(d) Administrative Boundaries, and
(e) Toponomy (place names).
Both the DSMs and OSMs will be derived from the NTDB.


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