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Coding Decoding Questions and Answers for IBPS Exams | Download PDF

Coding-Decoding Questions and Answers PDF Download. Coding is Computer Programming Language. It is used to create or develop or to run computer software, mobile applications and websites blogs, etc. Decoding means translating the code into text or any other format. Here we derived some coding & decoding questions & answers with detailed explanations.


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Direction (01-05): Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions.In alphabetical series A-Z each letter except vowels and Z is assigned a different number from 1-10 (for ex- B is coded as 1, C-2…………………… M-10) and again those numbers get repeated(for ex- N-1, P-2……… so on).Also each vowel and Z is assigned a different symbol viz. #, $, %, @, &, *. For ex- “Remain am Brown” is coded as – 4*10@#1 @10 14$81 “You are good” is coded as – 10$% @4* 5$$3 “Zenith in topper” is coded as – &*1#66 #1 6$22*4

1.  What can be the code of ‘Bankers?

  1. a) 1@18*52 b) 1@81*45 c) 1@18*54 d) 1@18*45
  2. e) None of these

Correct option is : D

2.  What can be the code of ‘digital library’?

  1. a) 3#5#6$9 9#41@410 b) 3#5#6@9  9#14@410 c) 3#5#6@9 9#14@401 d) 3#5#6@9 9#14@140 e) None of these

  Correct option is : B

3.  What can be the code of ‘complexity’? 

a) 2$1029*96#10 b) 2$1029*9#160 c) 2$1029*9#610 d) 2$1029*9#601 e) None of these

 Correct option is : C

4.  What can be the code of ‘Indian Culture’?

  1. a) #13#@1 2%96%4%  b) #13#@1  2%96%4* c) #13#@1 2$96%4* d) #13#@1 2%95%4 e) None of these

  Correct option is : B

  1. What can be the code of ‘Nationality? 

a) 1@6#$1@9#611 b) 1@6#$1@9#601 c) 1@6#$1@9#160 d) 1@6#$1@9#610 e) None of these

Correct option is : D

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Directions (1 to 5): Read the information carefully and answer the questions given below.
In a certain code language,’speak nicely to all’ is coded as “ka cu ma he”

‘all are like us’ is coded as ” si fo he to”

‘teach us lesson nicely’ is coded as ” po ma fo re”

‘lesson like all humans’ is coded as “he re gu si”

  1. What is the code for ‘are’ in the given language?

A. si

B. to

C. fo

D. Either A or B

E. Can’t be determined

Correct option is : B

  1. What would be the code for “humans teach”?

A. gu fo

B. he fo

C. gu po

D. ma re

E. None of these

Correct option is : C

  1. What would be the code for ‘speak to me’?

A. ma ka go

B. lo ma fo

C. re ma ku

D. cu ma pi

E. ka cu lo

Correct option is: E

  1. What would be the code for ‘nicely’?

A. he

B. ma

C. si

D. fo

E. None of these

Correct option is: B

  1. What would be the code for “lesson”?

A. fo

B. re

C. ma

D. he

E. si

Correct option is: B 


‘speak nicely to all’ ——-> “ka cu ma he”……………….(1)
‘all are like us’    —-> ” si fo he to”…………………………(2)
‘teach us lesson nicely’ —-> ” po ma fo re”……………..(3)
‘lesson like all humans’ ——-> “he re gu si”…………….(4)


From (1) and (2) we get
all —> he ………(5)

From (1) and (3) we get
nicely —–> ma………(6)

From (2) and (4) we get
like ——-> si …………(7)

From (2) and (3) we get
us —–> fo ……..(8)

From (3) and (4) we get
lesson ——-> re…………(9)

From (1), (5) and (6) we get
speak to ——> ka cu

From (2), (5), (7) and (8) we get
are ——> to

From (3), (6), (8) and (9) we get
teach ——> po

From (4), (5), (7) and (9) we get
humans ——–> gu

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Coding and decoding – Part II

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the

questions given below.

In a certain language,

‘CLIPS REFINE APPRECIATE MASSAGE’ is coded as ‘13#FI 8##S 16I 4###EC’

‘EFFORTS RECRUITMENT MIND SOULFUL’ is coded as ‘7##L 2###I 9IN 14#O’



  1. What is the code for ‘MOISTURISER’?

A. 13#U

B. 5###U

C. 8##U

D. 5###TU

E. None of these

Correct option is: B

  1. ‘ROTATING’ is coded as?

A. 9#AT

B. 9##T

C. 11#AT

D. 11##AT

E. None of these

Correct option is: C

  1. Which of the following word is coded as ‘1##M’?





E. None of these

Correct option is: A

  1. MOVEMENT is coded as?

A. 19I

B. 5#TT

C. 7##EM

D. 8DU

E. None of these

Correct option is: C

  1. EFFORTS is coded as?

A. 7##L

B. 2###I

C. 9IN

D. 14#O

E. None of these

Correct option is: D


The coding language used to code the given sentences should be decoded in three steps.

Step I: The first element of the code is the difference in the alphabetic positions of first and the last alphabets of the word.

Step II: The second element of the code is the symbol on the basis of the number of pairs of same letters in the words.

For 1 pair = #

For 2 pairs = ##

For 3 pairs = ###

Step III: The third element of the code is the middle alphabet/alphabets of the word.

For example,

APPRECIATE is coded as ‘4###EC’

Difference of A and E = 5 – 1= 4

Three pairs (AA, EE, PP) = ###

EC are the middle alphabets.

Directions (6 to 10): Study the following information carefully and answer the

questions given below.

In a certain language,

“Some parts are tough” is coded as “O#5, O&8, A%19, R@5”,

“Search all the persons” is coded as “E#8, H&5, E%19, L@12”,

“Some truths are personal” is coded as “R@5, O#5, R&19, E%12”,

“Always prepare the sandwich” is coded as “H&5, A#8, L@19, R%5,”

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Coding decoding part III

Directions (1 – 5): Given below are the codes for the digits/symbols. Study the conditions given below and answer the questions that follow.

(1) If both the left most and the right most elements are symbols, then the codes for the first two elements get interchanged between them and the codes for the last two elements get interchanged between them.
(2) If the left most element is a symbol and the right most element is an even digit then the code for both will be Y.
(3) If the left most element is an odd digit and the right most element is a symbol then the codes of these two elements got interchanged.
(4) If the left most element is an odd digit and the right most element is an even digit then the code for both will be W.
(5) If the left most element in the group is an even digit and the right most element is an odd digit then reverse the order of the code for the group.


Correct option is: B

  1. 3#%7964A. HEFBJGDB. WGJBFEWC. XGJBFEXD. HGJBFEDE. None of these

Correct option is: B


Correct option is: E

  1. 51&269@A. YRKLEFYB. ZRKLEFZC. XRKLEFXD. CRKLEFTE. None of these

Correct option is: D

  1. %8@521*A. AJCTLNRB. NACTLRJC. ZACTLRZD. YACTLRYE. None of these

Correct option is: A

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Coding and decoding – part iv

(Direction 1 – 5): In each of the following questions two rows of numbers are given. The resultant number in each row is to be worked out separately based on the following rules and the question below the rows of numbers are to be answered. The operations of numbers progress from left to right.
i) If the odd number is following by a two digit even number then they are added to each other.
ii) If the odd number is following by a two digit odd number then the second number is to be subtracted from the first number.
iii) If the even number is following by a number which is a perfect square of a number then the second number is to be divided by the first number.
iv) If the even number is following by a two digit even number then the first number is to be multiplied by the second number.

1.What will be the answer if the resultant of the second row is subtracted from the resultant of the first row?
A. 144
B. 92
C. 129
D. 112
E. None of these

Correct option is: D


  1. i) In first row 55 is an odd number and 45 is a two digit odd no. so apply condition 2→ 55 – 45 = 10Now 10 is an even no. and next 12 is a two digit even no. so apply condition 4→ 10 × 12 = 120 and 120 is the resultant of 1st row.ii) In 2nd row 25 is an odd no. and 10 is a two digit even no. so condition 1 is applied→ 25 + 10 = 35Now 25 is an odd no. and next 33 is a two digit odd no. so apply condition 2→ 35 – 33 = 2Now 2 is an even number and next 16 is a perfect square so apply condition 3

    → 16 ÷ 2 = 8 and 8 is the resultant of the second row

    Now subtract resultant of 2nd from resultant of 1st row = 120 – 8 = 112.

2.What is the answer if the resultant of the first row is multiplied by the resultant of the second row?
A. 19
B. 30
C. 16
D. 20
E. None of these

Correct option is: B


  1. i) In first row 39 is an odd number and 35 is a two digit odd no. so apply condition 2→ 39 – 35 = 4Now 4 is an even no. and next 10 is a two digit even number so apply condition 4→ 4 × 10 = 40Now 40 is an even number and next 400 is a perfect square so apply condition 3→ 400 ÷ 40 = 10 and 10 is the resultant of 1st row.ii) In 2nd row 4 is an even no. and 12 is a two digit even no. so condition 4 is applied→ 4 × 12 = 48Now 48 is an even no. and next 144 is a perfect square so apply condition 3

    → 144 ÷ 48 = 3 and 3 is the resultant of the second row

    Now multiply resultant of 1st and resultant of 2nd row = 10 × 3= 30.

  1. What is the sum of the resultant of first row and second row?

A. 22
B. 20
C. 18
D. 42
E. None of these

Correct option is: B


  1. i) In first row 30 is an even number and 60 is a two digit even no. so apply condition 4→ 30 × 60 = 1800Now 1800 is an even no. and next 3600 is a perfect square so apply condition 3→ 3600 ÷ 1800 = 2 and 2 is the resultant of 1st row.ii) In 2nd row 15 is an odd no. and 22 is a two digit even no. so condition 1 is applied→ 15 + 22 = 37Now 37 is an odd no. and next 19 is a two digit odd no. so apply condition 2→ 37 – 19 = 18 and 18 is the resultant of the second rowNow sum of resultant of 1st and 2nd row = 2 + 18 = 20.

4.What is the difference between the resultant of the first row of numbers and the second row of numbers?
A. 20
B. 210
C. 69
D. 54
E. None of these

Correct option is: C


  1. i) In first row 6 is an even number and 36 is a perfect square so apply condition 3→ 36 ÷ 6 = 6Now 6 is an even no. and next 36 is a perfect square so apply condition 3→ 36 ÷ 6 = 6Now 6 is an even no. and next 12 is a two digit even number so apply condition 4→ 6 × 12 = 72 and 72 is the resultant of 1st row.ii) In 2nd row 15 is an odd no. and 11 is a two digit odd no. so condition 2 is applied→ 17 – 13 = 4Now 4 is an even number and next 12 is a two digit even no. so apply condition 4

    → 4 × 12 = 48

    Now 48 is an even number and 144 is a perfect square so apply condition 3

    → 144 ÷ 48 = 3 and 3 is the resultant of the second row

    Now difference of resultant of 1st and 2nd row = 72 – 3 = 69.

5.What is the answer if the resultant of the first row is multiplied by the resultant row?
A. 248
B. 364
C. 192
D. 148
E. None of these

Correct option is: C


  1. i) In first row 21 is an odd no. and 19 is a two digit odd no. so apply condition 2→ 21 – 19 = 2Now 2 is an even no. and next 16 is a perfect square so apply condition 3→ 16 ÷ 2 = 8 and 8 is the resultant of 1st row.ii) In 2nd row 25 is an odd no. and 23 is a two digit odd no. so condition 2 is applied→ 25 – 23 = 2Now 2 is an even no. and next 12 is a two digit even no. so apply condition 4→ 2 × 12 = 24 and 24 is the resultant of the second row.Now product of resultant of 1st and 2nd row = 8 × 24 = 192.

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