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Distance and Direction Reasoning Questions and Answers PDF – Download Here!!!

Distance and Direction

Direction (1-3): Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

A @ B means A is to the north of B at a distance of either 7m or 12m

A # B means A is to the west direction of B at a distance of either 5m or 14m

A $ B means A is to the south direction of B at a distance of either 7m or 12m

A & B means A is to the east direction of B at a distance of either 5m or 14m

A @& B means A is to the north-east of B

A $& B means A is to the south-east direction of B


A@B, B#C, C$D@&A, D#E@F@&C, F@G$&C, G&H$C

1.In which direction is B with respect to H?

  • North
  • East
  • North-East
  • North-West
  • None of these

Correct option is: D

2.If distance between B and C is same as the distance between D and E and this distance is less than the distance between A and B. Point X Which is 5m north of point A then what is the total distance between X and E?

  • 10 m
  • 28 m
  • Either a or b
  • 5 m
  • 14 m

Correct option is: A

3.What is the total distance between E and G?

  • 12 m
  • 17 m
  • 19 m
  • 21 m
  • None of these

Correct option is: C

Directions(4-6): Read the given information carefully and answer the questions given beside:

Point G is 30m to the east of point B, which is 20m to the north of point A. Point F is 16m to the west of point E. Point H is 12m to the south of point F. Point E is 10m to the south of point G. Point C is 13m to the east of point F.

4.If point Y is 6m south of point G then find the shortest distance between point C and point Y ?

  • 6 m
  • B.7 m
  • 5 m
  • 4 m
  • Either 5m or 7m

Correct option is: C

5.If point X is exactly in the middle of points B and A then find the distance between point C and point X?

  • 30 m
  • 27 m
  • 25 m
  • 22 m
  • None of these

Correct option is: B

6.If point X is exactly between B and A then F is how far and in which direction from point X?

  • 15m, West
  • 14m, East
  • 12m, West
  • 13m, East
  • None of these

Correct option is: B

Directions (7–9): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.

P^Q means–P is 2m North of Q.

P%Q means–P is 2m East of Q.

P@Q means–P is 2m South of Q.

P#Q means–P is 2m West of Q.


P ^% Q means–P is North-East of Q and so on based on the above directions.

7.In the given expression “P^Q#R; U^T%S; S@R” what is the position of U with respect to P?

  • East
  • North-East
  • South-East
  • North-West
  • Can’t be determined.

Correct option is: C

  1. In the given expression “A#B^C; E#F@G; E@D%C; H%G” what is the shortest distance between H and C?
  • 6m
  • 2√2m
  • 8m
  • 2√3m
  • None of these

Correct option is: A

9.In the given expression “C%B^A; F#G^H; D^E; C@#D; F@E%C” what is the position of A with respect to H?

  • South-east
  • East
  • North-east
  • North-west
  • None of these

Correct option is: D

  1. If a boy moves from his house to his school that is 20m from his home towards south. He goes in the north direction thinking it south direction and walks for 20 m, until he realizes his mistake. How much more distance and in which direction he must walk in order to reach the actual destination?
  • 40 m in Southeast direction
  • 20 m in South direction
  • 40 m in South direction
  • 60 m in North direction
  • None of these

Correct option is: C

  1. Pritampur town is located bank of river ‘Ganga’. It has another town ‘Amroha’ to its west. Tivura is to the east of Amroha but to the west of town ‘Pritampur’. ‘Kasari’ is east of ‘Basra’ but west of ‘Tivura’ and ‘Amroha’. If these are all in the same area which town farthest towards west?
  • Pritampur
  • Amroha
  • Tivura
  • Kasari
  • Basra

Correct option is: E

  1. Deepak drove 15km towards north from his home and took a left turn. He covered 5km and turned towards south. After driving for 15km, he stopped. What should have been Deepak’s choice of direction with respect to his home in order to reach his destination earlier?
  • North
  • South
  • East
  • West
  • None of these

Correct option is: D

  1. Shahrukh walks 10 km towards east. He then decides to take a right turn and walks 20 km in this direction. He now turns to his left and moves another 10 km. Finally, he moves 13 km to his right. In which direction is he facing now?
  • North
  • East
  • South
  • North-East
  • None of these

Correct option is: C

  1. Sukirti is facing north. She decides to turn 90° in the clockwise direction and then 180° degrees in the anticlockwise direction. Which direction is she facing now?
  • South
  • North
  • West
  • East
  • None of these

Correct option is: C

Directions(15- 17): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

In a city, SRK Mall was to the north-west of Cosmos Mall. Shanti Mall was in the east of SRK Mall which was towards the south of TDI Mall. Saket Mall was towards the south-west of Shanti Mall such that it was situated towards the east of Cosmos Mall. DB Mall was 20 km towards the north of Cosmos Mall, which was 4 times the distance between Cosmos Mall and Saket Mall. Rajan Mall was the mid point between SRK Mall and Shanti Mall and also Cosmos Mall and DB Mall.The distance between TDI Mall and SRK Mall was half of the distance between DB Mall and Rajan Mall.

  1. TDI Mall is in which direction with respect to the DB Mall?
  • West
  • East
  • South-west
  • North-east
  • Can’t be determined

Correct option is: C

  1. If the distance between SRK Mall and Rajan mall is 12m, then find the shortest distance between TDI Mall and DB Mall?
  • 13m
  • 15m
  • 20m
  • Can’t be determined
  • None of these

Correct option is: A

  1. Which of the following is/are towards the south-east of DB Mall?
  • SRK Mall
  • Saket Mall
  • Shanti Mall
  • Both options A and B
  • Both options B and C

Correct option is: E

DIRECTIONS(18 – 19): Study the following information and answer the given questions:

Mohan starts walking from a point and goes 4 m towards South. Then, he turns towards East and goes 3m. Now, he takes right turn and goes 4m. Finally, he turns 90o clockwise and goes 9m.

  1. If Mohan starts his journey towards South, then how far is he from his starting point?
  • 25√m
  • 15 m
  • 10 m
  • 20 m
  • None of these

Correct option is: C

  1. If Mohan starts his journey towards North, then how far is he from his starting point?
  • 9 m
  • 6 m
  • 3 m
  • 8 m
  • None of these

Correct option is: B

Directions (20 – 22): Read the given information carefully and answer the questions given beside:

A Car moves 8m from Point A in the north direction to reach Point B. Then it turns and moves for 10m in north-west direction. Then it turns and moves 8m in south direction. Then it turns right and moves for 3m to reach point C, which is in west direction with respect to Point B. Then finally, it turns and moves for 10m in south-west direction to reach Point D, which is west direction with respect to Point A.

  1. What is the shortest distance between Point A and Point D?
  • 12m
  • 15m
  • 17m
  • 20m
  • Cannot be determined

Correct option is: B

  1. What is the shortest distance between Point D and Point B?
  • 12m
  • 15m
  • 17m
  • 20m
  • Cannot be determined

Correct option is: C

  1. Sunil walked 40 m towards South, then took a left turn and walked 70 m. Now, he took a left turn and walked 40√3 m. Finally, he took a turn of 150oin anticlockwise direction and walked 80 m. How far and in which direction is he now from the starting point?
  • 50 m, South—west
  • 70 m, South—east
  • 50m, South—east
  • 70 m, South—west
  • None of these

Correct option is: C

  1. A man standing at point P, walks to point Q, located 10km away from point P in south direction. He takes a right turn from Q and reaches point R after 5km. He turns to his right from R and covers 10km and turns left at point S. He moves in left direction from S and stops at point T after 10km. Find distance between his initial and final point.
  • 5km
  • 10km
  • 20km
  • 15km
  • None of these

Correct option is: D

DIRECTIONS (24 – 26): These questions are based on the following information.

FC divides AB in the ratio 2 : 1 horizontally. C is 8 km to the south of F, who is 8 km to the west of D. G is 6 km to the east of E, who is 4 km to the north of B. Distance of AB is equal to the distance of EG. D is 2 km to the north of G.

  1. What is the shortest distance between C and G?
  2. 10
  3. 11
  4. 9
  5. 13
  6. 14

Correct option is: A

  1. In which direction is F with respect to B?
  2. North
  3. North-east
  4. North-west
  5. South-east
  6. South-west

Correct option is: C 

  1. In which direction is E with respect to C?
  • South
  • East
  • North-east
  • South-east
  • North-west

Correct option is: C

  1. Kunal decided to drive from office to his home. He headed in east direction and covered 10km and then he turned left. After driving for 5km in this direction, he turned in right direction at an angle of 135° and reaches his home after covering another 20km. Find the direction of his home with respect to his office.
  • West
  • South-west
  • East
  • South-east
  • North-west

Correct option is: D

Direction (28-30): Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

X * Y means X is to the left of Y at a distance of 7m.

X # Y means X is to the south direction of Y at a distance of 5m.

X @ Y means X is to the right of Y at a distance of 3m.

X % Y means X is to the north direction of Y at a distance of 9m.

In each of the following questions initially, all persons are facing north.

  1. B @ D % V # H @ K, then in which direction is K with respect to D?
  • North
  • East
  • South-west
  • North-West
  • None of these

Correct option is: C

  1. M % N, Q * M, N % G, L * Q then find the minimum distance between Q and N (approx)?
  • √ 12 m
  • √ 130 m
  • √ 81 m
  • √ 49 m
  • √ 100 m

Correct option is: B

  1. S @ T * R % M * U, then T is in which direction with respect to U?
  • South
  • North-West
  • West
  • North-East
  • East

Correct option is: B

DIRECTIONS (31 – 32): These questions are based on the following information.

C is 8 m to the east of D. D is 10 m to the south of G. A is 6 m to the south of C. E is 14 m to the north of A. B is to the west of A.

  1. If F is exactly between E and C and B is 12 m to the south – west of 31. F then what is the approximate distance between A and B?
  • 4 m
  • 10 m
  • 11 m
  • 7 m
  • 4 m

 Correct option is: D

  1. In which direction is D with respect to E?
  • North-east
  • South
  • South-west
  • North
  • South-east

Correct option is: C

Direction (33-36): Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

A $ B means A is to the north of B at a distance of either 4m or 9m

A & B means A is to the west direction of B at a distance of either 3m or 12m

A % B means A is to the south direction of B at a distance of either 4m or 9m

A # B means A is to the east direction of B at a distance of either 3m or 12m

A $# B means A is to the north-east of B

A %# B means A is to the south-east direction of B


B$A, C&B, D%C, D$&A, D&H&G, B$H,

A&F, (CB>AF)

  1. In which direction is C with respect to F?
  • North
  • East
  • North-East
  • North-West
  • None of these

Correct option is: D 

  1. What is the distance between D and G?
  • 10 m
  • 28 m
  • 9m
  • 15 m
  • 14 m

Correct option is: D 

  1. What is the total distance between F and G?
  • 5m
  • 15m
  • 4m
  • 12m
  • None of these

Correct option is: A 

  1. In which direction is B with respect to D?
  • North
  • East
  • North-East
  • North-West
  • None of these

Correct option is: C

Directions ( 37-39): Study the following information and answer the questions below:

From point A, Sachin moves towards 3meters west to reach point B. Then he takes a left turn and moves 4 meters to reach point C and then he takes the right turn to move 5 meters to reach point D, from there he takes a right turn of 6meters to point E.

  1. What is the direction of E with respect to point A?
  • East
  • West
  • South west
  • North east
  • North west

Correct option is: E

  1. What is the shortest distance between point A and point C?
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 3
  • None of these

Correct option is: B

  1. If point F is 2meters south of point E, then what will be the distance between point A and point F?
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 4

Correct option is: C

Direction (40-42): In certain coding language, the directions are coded as per below conditions.

J@K means – J is North of K

J%K means – J is South of K

J#K means – J is East of K

J $ K means – J is West of K

J@#K means- J is North East K

The distance between two point is either 8 m or 11 m.

@ means the distance between the two points is 8m

% means the distance between the two points is either 11m.

JK > LM Means the distance between point J and K is greater than that of point L and M.

Example: J @ K means J is north of K and the distance between J and K is 8m.

A#B, C%B, D@E, F#E, D $ C, F@G, H#G


  1. In which direction A with respect to G?
  • @
  • %
  • @#
  • %$
  • None of these

Correct option is: C

  1. What is the shortest distance between Point D and Point F?
  • √100 m
  • √64 m
  • √121 m
  • √185m
  • None of these

Correct option is: D

  1. Which of following statement is true?
  • D@C
  • A%$ G
  • C@$G
  • H$C
  • None of these

Correct option is: C

Directions ( 43-45): Study the following information and answer the questions below:

From point P, Sathya starts his travelling of 8m towards north direction and reaches point Q, which is 11m east of point R. From Q he takes a right turn of 6m to reach point S and then he takes left to move 7m to attain the destination point T.

  1. What is the shortest distance between point P and S?
  • 8
  • 15
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12

Correct option is: C

  1. What is the direction of R with respect to T?
  • East
  • West
  • North west
  • North east
  • South west

Correct option is: E

  1. If Z is 5m east of point T, then the direction of Z with respect to P?
  • East
  • West
  • South west
  • North east
  • North west

Correct option is: D

Direction (46-48): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

The symbols @, © , π, $, % and # are used with the following meanings illustrated.

D$C means D is south C.(4m/6m)

D#C means D is west C.(3m/7m)

D@C means D is east C .(4m/6m)

D%C means D is north C.(3m/7m)

DπC means D is south-east C.(4m/6m)

D©C means D is south-west C.(3m/7m)

M @ L, N % M, O π N, P % O, Q @ P and R $ Q.


  1. What is the distance between N and O ?
  • 3m
  • 4m
  • 6m
  • 7m
  • None of these

Correct option is: C

  1. In which direction point O is with respect to point R?
  • South
  • East
  • North-East
  • South-West
  • None of these

Correct option is: D

  1. What is total distance between point N and point R?
  • 21m
  • 18m
  • 27m
  • 22m
  • 23m

Correct option is: E

Directions (49-50): Study the following information and answer the questions below:

Bharathi walks 25m towards north to reach point A then she turns right and walks 30m to reach point B. Then she turns right and walks 50m to reach point C. And she turns left for a 20m walk to reach point D. Finally, she turns left and walks 50m to reach point E.

  1. What is the direction of D with respect to Bharathi’s starting point?
  • South west
  • North west
  • South east
  • North east
  • None of the above

Correct option is: C

  1. What is the total distance covered by Bharathi in the entire journey?
  • 135
  • 125
  • 155
  • 165
  • 175

Correct option is: E

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