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Jumbled Sentences Questions and Answers PDF

Jumbled Sentence Questions and Answers are explaining here for All types of Common Exams and Candidates can easily prepare for their Bank Exams, Government Exams, Interview Questions etc. Following are some sections that you can do to make yourself better at solving jumbled sentences.

Jumbled Sentence – I

Directions (1-5): Rearrange the following four sentences (A), (B), (C), and (D) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

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(A) keep up with the new realities of the “post-COVID world” (1)/ commended Mr. Trump for his “creative and far-sighted” (2)/ decision to expand the format of the grouping to (3)/ the news was welcomed by Mr. Modi, who (4)

(B) like to expand (1)/it to a G-11, by (2)/adding India, Russia, South Korea and Australia (3)/ he said that he would (4)

(C) most developed nations as “outdated”, U.S. President Donald Trump (1)/made an announcement over the weekend (2)/ dismissing the current configuration of the (3)/“Group of Seven” or G-7 of the world’s (4)

(D) invitations to their leaders, (1)/including Prime Minister Modi, to attend (2)/the G-7 summit in the U.S. later this year (3) / he followed that up with (4)

1. Which of the following is the correct sequence of the rearrangement of the sentence (A)?

a. 1432

b. 4123

c. 4231

d. 3412

e. None of these.

Correct option is : c

2. Which of the following is the correct sequence of the rearrangement of the sentence (B)?

a. 1432

b. 4123

c. 4231

d. 3412

e. None of these

Correct option is : b

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3. Which of the following is the correct sequence of the rearrangement of the sentence (C)?

a. 1432

b. 4123

c. 4231

d. 3412

e. None of these.

Correct option is : d

  1. Which of the following is the correct sequence of the rearrangement of the sentence (D)?

a. 1432

b. 4123

c. 4231

d. 3412

e. None of these.

Correct option is : b

  1. Rearrange the given four sentences in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph.





e. None of these.

Correct option is : c

Directions (6-10): Rearrange the following four sentences (A), (B), (C), and (D) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

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(A) share of mobile trading witnessed (1)/ a spike in April and continued in May (2)/ data from the stock (3)/ exchanges show that the (4)

(B) recent surge, the quantum (1)/of such trades has more than (2) doubled in the last one year (3)/ further, with the (4)

(C) share of mobile trading (1)/ their smartphones, as the (2)/touched record highs during the period (3)/ especially, they are using (4)

(D) the two-month lockdown (1)/ home and trade in the capital market (2)/ gave investors a lot of time to stay at (3)/ against the COVID-19 pandemic (4)

6. Which of the following is the correct sequence of the rearrangement of the sentence (A)?

a. 1432

b. 4123

c. 4231

d. 3412

e. None of these.  

Correct option is : d

7. Which of the following is the correct sequence of the rearrangement of the sentence (B)?

a. 1432

b. 4123

c. 4231

d. 3412

e. None of these.

Correct option is : b

  1. Which of the following is the correct sequence of the rearrangement of the sentence (C)?
  2. 1432
  3. 4123
  4. 4231
  5. 3412
  6. None of these.

Correct option is : c

9. Which of the following is the correct sequence of the rearrangement of the sentence (D)?

a. 1432

b. 4123

c. 4231

d. 3412

e. None of these.

Correct option is : a

  1. Rearrange the given four sentences in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph.





3. None of these.

Correct option is : b

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Jumbled Sentence – II

Directions (1-5) In each of the questions below , four sentences are given which are denoted by – A,B,C,D . By using all the four sentences , make a meaningful paragraph. The correct order of sentences is your answer. Choose from the five alternatives the one having the correct order of sentences and mark it as your answer.

  1. A. Ideology remains the main source of violent extremism.
    B. When intertwined with religious extremism, it becomes an even more potent mixture.
    C. Behavioural patterns contribute to escalation, from grievance redress to mobilisation, and on to violent extremism.
    D. What is apparent as one surveys the global scene today is that the number and variety of terror groups is larger and more widespread than at any time previously.
    a. BDCA
    b. DABC
    c. CDBA
    d. ABDC
    e. BACD

Correct option is : b

  1. A. Vajpayee had been pragmatic in respect of his Pakistan policy.
    B. Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s Pakistan policy was an open book.
    C. He wanted the people of the two countries to live in amity and friendship as good neighbours.
    D. He wanted improved relations with Pakistan without sacrificing India’s interest.
    a. ACBD
    b. DCBA
    c. CABD
    d. BDCA
    e. DBAC

Correct option is : d

  1. A. Unless economic growth improves social and human development, it cannot be sustained.
    B. Equally, economic growth itself is impeded by low levels of productivity in an undernourished and malnourished population.
    C. Nutrition is complex, and therefore its delivery must be simplified through greater awareness and actions.
    D. The delivery models must be collaborative across domains, with clear decision rights and hard-wired processes, enabled by technology and a significant investment in strengthening people competencies.
    a. BACD
    b. CBAD
    c. ACDB
    d. DBCA
    e. CDAB

Correct option is : e

  1. A. Intelligence is often referred to as the ‘missing dimension’ when there is a failure to anticipate critical developments of a political and strategic nature.
    B. History is replete with many such instances.
    C. In recent times, renowned historians like Christopher Andrew have also talked of a lack of ‘theologians’ compounding this situation.
    D. Combined, these are seen as reasons for failing to anticipate many of the serious developments that took place during the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
    a. ABCD
    b. BDAC
    c. CDAB
    d. DACB
    e. ADCB

Correct option is : a

  1. A. One of the most glaring examples of this is the Bombay Prevention of Begging Act.
    B. Independence brought with it many changes, but also much continuity. Despite the birth of a Constitution that promised liberty, equality, fraternity, and dignity to all, independent India’s rulers continued to replicate colonial logic in framing laws for the new republic.
    C. They continued to treat individuals as subjects to be controlled and administered, rather than rights-bearing citizens.
    D. The Begging Act was passed in 1959 by the State of Bombay, and has continued to exist in as many as 20 States and two Union Territories.
    a. CDAB
    b. ACDB
    c. CBAD
    d. DCBA
    e. BCAD

Correct option is : e

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Directions (6 -10) In each of the questions below , four sentences are given which are denoted by – A,B,C,D . By using all the four sentences , make a meaningful paragraph. The correct order of sentences is your answer. Choose from the five alternatives the one having the correct order of sentences and mark it as your answer.

  1. A. In order to do this, Rousseau demonstrates that human evolution and the development of inequality between men are closely related.
    B. It attempts to trace the psychological and political effects of modern society on human nature, and to show how these effects were produced.
    C. The result is both a sweeping explanation of how modern man was created, and a sharp criticism of unequal modern political institutions.
    D. Rousseau’s Discourse on Inequality is one of the most powerful critiques of modernity ever written.
    a. BACD
    b. ADCB
    c. DBAC
    d. CABD
    e. ACBD

Correct option is : c

  1. A. The United Nations was created after World War II and has become the single most important international organization.
    B. Although Roosevelt is often criticized for having no clear path while in office, the changes that the American government underwent during his twelve years tenure were unmistakably flavored by his temperament.
    C. Roosevelt negotiated the peace with the Soviet Union, which would ultimately create the basis for the Cold War and the Iron Curtain.
    D. The government during the New Deal showed unprecedented responsibility for the basic welfare of its citizens, a fundamental change that endures till today.
    a. DCBA
    b. CABD
    c. BDAC
    d. ADBC
    e. CDAB

Correct option is : c

  1. A. The U.S. has raised duties on several products such as steel and aluminium, and on certain products imported from China. In turn, China has retaliated.
    B. Besides these, there are country-specific sanctions such as those against Iran, which have a direct impact on crude oil output and prices. India benefited from the fall in crude prices earlier but this position has reversed. There has been some lull in crude prices.
    C. India has also been caught in this exchange. It is difficult to forecast how much worse this will become.
    D. The external environment is far from reassuring. Trade wars have already started and can get worse.
    a. CDAB
    b. DACB
    c. ABDC
    d. BDAC
    e. DCBA

Correct option is : b      

  1. A. he recent hearings in the Supreme Court relating to the Sabarimala case have turned the spotlight on the status of religious faith in a system governed by the rule of law and the Constitution.
    B. The clash between religious faith and the law is not of recent origin and it would be unfair to lay the blame at the doorstep of the Constitution. On the other contrary, it is an inevitable consequence of human evolution.
    C. It leaves him with the uncomfortable thought that from the time of the advent of the Constitution, no religious practice has been safe in a system of Constitution-controlled governance. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
    D. Any attention bestowed on such discussions by a person of faith and belief appears to leave the observer with an uneasy feeling that the Constitution is the prime suspect in these proceedings.
    a. BDCA
    b. CDAB
    c. BCAD
    d. ADCB
    e. DACB

Correct option is : d

  1. A. The newspaper reports came out boldly and literally. A few days later, true to a spirit of correctness, the Dalai Lama withdrew his statement, saying that he had hurt feelings.
    B. By welcoming him to India, we added to the sense of India. Yet, newspapers reported that in the anniversary speech, he said India had missed a moral opportunity — that Mahatma Gandhi, to avoid Partition, offered Muhammad Ali Jinnah the Prime Ministership, and Nehru objected because he wanted to lead India.
    C. No one has spoken with greater gratitude to India than the Dalai Lama.
    D. His rituals of thanks to India as a civilisation and to the Indian regime have been many.
    a. CBDA
    b. ACDB
    c. DABC
    d. ADCB
    e. BDCA

Correct option is : a

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Jumbled Sentence Part – I

Jumbled Sentence Part – II


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