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Data Interpretation – Caselet

Directions (1-5):Study the information carefully to answer the questions that follow.
In a sports event there are 5 sports viz. Hockey, Cricket, Tennis, Badminton and Baseball. There is a total number of 800 players in the sports event. The ratio between female and male players is 1 : 3 respectively. Twenty five per cent of the total players are in Cricket. There are 110 badminton players. 10 per cent of the total players are in Tennis. Hockey players are double the number of badminton players. Remaining players are in Baseball. 30 per cent of cricket players are female. Half the female cricketers are equal to female badminton players. 10 per cent of total hockey players are equal to the number of female players in Tennis. There are equal number of females in Hockey and Baseball.

1. What is the respective ratio between the female players in Hockey and the male players in Badminton?
A. 20 : 13
B. 11 : 20
C. 13. :20
D. 11 : 23
E. None of these.

Correct option is: B

2. What is the total number of males in Hockey, Cricket and Baseball together?
A. 464
B. 454
C. 462
D. 432
E. None of these Correct option is: C

3. Number of female players in Base ball is what percentage of male players in Hockey?
A. 25
B. 34
C. 24
D. 15
E. None of these

Correct option is: A

4. What is the difference between the male players in baseball and total number of players in Tennis?
A. 58
B. 76
C. 56
D. 68
E. None of these.

Correct option is: E

5. In which sports female players are maximum and male players are minimum respectively?
A. Cricket and Badminton.
B. Cricket and Hockey.
C. Baseball and Cricket.
D. Cricket and Tennis.
E. Tennis and Hockey.

Correct option is: D

Directions (6-10): Study the following information and answer the questions that follow:
There are two companies namely A and B, which sell chairs, tables and wardrobes in 3 months August, September and October. The ratio of chair, tables and wardrobes sold by A in August is 42: 36: 23 while ratio of chairs sold by A in August, September and October is 14: 23: 27. Wardrobes sold by A in August is 230 less than chairs sold in September by A. In September 665 chairs, 400 tables and 210 wardrobes were sold by two companies together. B sold same number of chairs in Aug and September. Number of tables sold by company B in September was equal to number of chairs sold by A in August while number of wardrobes sold by A in August and B in September were equal. Company B sold total 1025 chairs in these three months together which was 480 more than total number of tables sold by A. Ratio of tables sold by A and B in August is 12: 11 and in October is 35: 38 respectively. Total number of items sold in August was 1075.
Total number of wardrobes sold by A in October was 35 less than wardrobe sold by B in October, while sum of wardrobe sold by A and B in October is 205.

6. What is the ratio of number of tables sold by A in August to that of B in September?
A. 7:6
B. 6:7
C. 12:13
D. 11:12
E. None of these Correct option is: B
7. Find the number of wardrobes sold by B in October.
A. 80
B. 120
C. 115
D. 95
E. 125

Correct option is: B

8. Find the difference in number of chairs sold by A and B in August. A. 100
B. 120
C. 105
D. 110
E. 112

Correct option is: D

9. Total number of chairs sold by B in September and October is A. 750
B. 725
C. 705
D. 715
E. 405

Correct option is: C

10. By what percent tables sold by A in October are more than wardrobes sold by B in October?
A. 46%

B. 54%
C. 67%
D. 56%
E. None of these

Correct option is: A Solution:
Let number of chairs, tables and wardrobes sold by A in August be 42x, 36x and 23x.
Also, let chairs sold by A in August, September and October be 14y, 23y and 27y respectively.
∴42x = 14y ⇒y = 3x and, 23x = 23y – 230
⇒x = 5 and y = 15
Now, Chairs sold by B in September = 665 – 345 = 320 Chairs sold by B in August = 320
Tables sold by B in September = Chairs sold by A in Aug = 210
∴Table sold by A in September = 400 – 210 = 190
Wardrobes sold by B in September = wardrobes sold by A in Aug = 115
∴Wardrobes sold by A in September = 210 – 115 = 95 Chairs sold by B in October = 1025 – 320 – 320 = 385
Tables sold by A in October = (1025 – 480) – (180 + 190) = 175 Tables sold by B in August = (11/12) × 180 = 165
Tables sold by B in October = (38/35) × 175 = 190
Wardrobes sold by B in August = 1075 – (210 + 320 + 180 + 165 + 115) = 85 Let wardrobes sold by A in October be a and that by B be b in October
∴a = b – 35 and a + b = 205
⇒a = 85 and b = 120

Directions (11-15): Study the following information and answer the questions that follow:

The ratio of male to female employees in an organization is 5 : 7. All employees of the organization work at different levels. (Level- I, II, III, IV, V). 16 2/3% of the male employees work at level I. The difference between male employees working at level II and male employees working at level IV is 114, while the sum of the same is 250. (male employees at level II < male employees at level IV). 9 male employees work at level V, which is 2% of the total number of male employees. remaining male employees work at level III. 22 2/9% of the female employees work at level I. The no. Female employees working at level II is 6 more than the no. of female employees working at level III. The number of female employees working at level IV is 2 more than the number of male employees at the same level. The number of female employees working at level V is 57 1/7% of the female employees working at level I.

11. Find the total number of employees working on level II. A. 176
B. 184
C. 188
D. 192
E. None of these Correct option is: B
12. Female employees working on level V constitutes what percent of total number of employees in the organization?
A. 5 1/9%
B. 5 1/3%
C. 5 5/9%
D. 7 11/27%
E. None of these Correct option is: D
13. What is the respective ratio of male employees working at level I to the female employees working at level V?
A. 15 : 16
B. 14 : 15
C. 15 : 17
D. 17 : 19
E. None of these

Correct option is: A

14. What is the total number of employees working at level I, level II and level III?
A. 325
B. 425
C. 475
D. 525
E. None of these Correct option is: E
15. The number of female employees of which level is equal to the number of male employees of level III?
A. level I
B. level II
C. level III
D. level IV
E. level V

Correct option is: B

Directions (16 – 20): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

Information about number of patients who were tested positive to COVID-19 tests in five different cities of India is as follows.

Delhi has 60% more patients than Jaipur, which has 400 more than Chennai. Number of patients in Calcutta was half the number of patients in Chennai. Number of patients in Mumbai was 100 less than Chennai. Total patients were 9100 as on 31 March 2019 in all the five cities together.

It was found that out of every 200 patients, 180 recovered within 14 days, 18 took 30 days to recover and 2 died.

16. Find average number of patients in Chennai, Calcutta and Mumbai. A. 1100
B. 1200
C. 1300

D. 1400
E. None of these Correct option is: C
17. Number of patients in Jaipur was what percent more than Calcutta? A. 100%
B. 150%
C. 200%
D. 250%
E. None of these Correct option is: B
18. For each 1000 tests the numbers of people who were found positive were 130. Find out how many tests were conducted that produced 9100 total positive cases? A. 35000
B. 40000
C. 91000
D. 130000
E. 70000

Correct option is: E

19. How many patients recovered till 30 April 2020, if all the patients in Delhi, Jaipur and Calcutta are considered?
A. 5400
B. 5540
C. 4590
D. 5940
E. 5990

Correct option is: D

20. How many people died in Jaipur, Mumbai and Chennai together?
A. 41
B. 51
C. 55
D. 112
E. 102

Correct option is: B Solution:
Let the number of patients in Delhi, Jaipur, Chennai, Calcutta, Mumbai were D, J, Ch, Cal, M respectively.

Then we have

D = 1.6J = 1.6(400+Ch)

Cal = 1 Ch

M = Ch – 100

Therefore, we have

D + J + Ch + Cal + M = 9100

1.6 (400 + Ch) + (400 + Ch) + Ch + 1
Ch + Ch – 100 = 9100

940 + 5.1Ch = 9100

Ch = 1600

Delhi = 3200

Jaipur = 2000

Chennai = 1600

Calcutta = 800

Mumbai = 1500

Directions (21-25): Given below is the information regarding to the result of 3 students Arun, Sanjeev, Kamal in sessional exams of class 12th. Read it carefully and answer the following questions: –

There are total 5 subjects i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Maths, English, and computers each carrying different maximum marks. Physics and Chemistry both carries equal maximum marks i.e. 35. Math carries maximum marks 5 more than Physics and 10 more than English. Total of maximum marks of the 5 subjects is 160. Kamal scored 60% in Physics, while Sanjeev scored 48 4/7% in the same subject. Arun scored only 13.5 marks in Physics. Arun scored 24 marks in Chemistry which is 60% more than the marks scored by Sanjeev in the same subject. The total of the marks of 3 students in chemistry is 58, Kamal scored 15.5 marks in Maths, while Sanjeev scored 35% in the same subject and Arun scored highest in maths with 29 marks. Arun scored 40% in English which is 33 1/3% less than the marks of Sanjeev in the same subject. Score of Kamal in English is 14 marks. The sum of marks of Arun and Sanjeev in computers is 32 while the ratio of the same is 9 : 7. Kamal scored 77.5% marks in computers.

21. What is the average marks scored by the 3 students in English? (round off to nearest integer)
A. 11
B. 14
C. 18
D. 15
E. None of these

22. Find the difference between total marks scored by Arun in all subjects and the total marks scored by Sanjeev in all subjects together.
A. 12
B. 18.5
C. 17
D. 21
E. None of these

Data Interpretation – Caselet

Directions (1-5):Study the information carefully to answer the questions that follow.

In a sports event there are 5 sports viz. Hockey, Cricket, Tennis, Badminton and Baseball. There is a total number of 800 players in the sports event. The ratio between female and male players is 1 : 3 respectively. Twenty five per cent of the total players are in Cricket. There are 110 badminton players. 10 per cent of the total players are in Tennis. Hockey players are double the number of badminton players. Remaining players are in Baseball. 30 per cent of cricket players are female. Half the female cricketers are equal to female badminton players. 10 per cent of total hockey players are equal to the number of female players in Tennis. There are equal number of females in Hockey and Baseball.
1. What is the respective ratio between the female players in Hockey and the male players in Badminton?
A. 20 : 13
B. 11 : 20
C. 13. :20
D. 11 : 23
E. None of these.

Correct option is: B

2. What is the total number of males in Hockey, Cricket and Baseball together?
A. 464
B. 454
C. 462
D. 432
E. None of these Correct option is: C
3. Number of female players in Base ball is what percentage of male players in Hockey?
A. 25
B. 34
C. 24
D. 15
E. None of these

Correct option is: A
4. What is the difference between the male players in baseball and total number of players in Tennis?
A. 58
B. 76
C. 56
D. 68
E. None of these.

Correct option is: E

5. In which sports female players are maximum and male players are minimum respectively?
A. Cricket and Badminton.
B. Cricket and Hockey.
C. Baseball and Cricket.
D. Cricket and Tennis.
E. Tennis and Hockey.

Correct option is: D

Directions (6-10): Study the following information and answer the questions that follow:

There are two companies namely A and B, which sell chairs, tables and wardrobes in 3 months August, September and October. The ratio of chair, tables and wardrobes sold by A in August is 42: 36: 23 while ratio of chairs sold by A in August, September and October is 14: 23: 27. Wardrobes sold by A in August is 230 less than chairs sold in September by A. In September 665 chairs, 400 tables and 210 wardrobes were sold by two companies together. B sold same number of chairs in Aug and September. Number of tables sold by company B in September was equal to number of chairs sold by A in August while number of wardrobes sold by A in August and B in September were equal. Company B sold total 1025 chairs in these three months together which was 480 more than total number of tables sold by A. Ratio of tables sold by A and B in August is 12: 11 and in October is 35: 38 respectively. Total number of items sold in August was 1075.
Total number of wardrobes sold by A in October was 35 less than wardrobe sold by B in October, while sum of wardrobe sold by A and B in October is 205.

6. What is the ratio of number of tables sold by A in August to that of B in September?
A. 7:6
B. 6:7
C. 12:13
D. 11:12
E. None of these Correct option is: B
7. Find the number of wardrobes sold by B in October.
A. 80
B. 120
C. 115
D. 95
E. 125

Correct option is: B

8. Find the difference in number of chairs sold by A and B in August. A. 100
B. 120
C. 105
D. 110
E. 112

Correct option is: D

9. Total number of chairs sold by B in September and October is A. 750
B. 725
C. 705
D. 715
E. 405

Correct option is: C

10. By what percent tables sold by A in October are more than wardrobes sold by B in October?
A. 46%

B. 54%
C. 67%
D. 56%
E. None of these

  • Correct option is: A Solution:
    Let number of chairs, tables and wardrobes sold by A in August be 42x, 36x and 23x.
    Also, let chairs sold by A in August, September and October be 14y, 23y and 27y respectively.
    ∴42x = 14y ⇒y = 3x and, 23x = 23y – 230
    ⇒x = 5 and y = 15
    Now, Chairs sold by B in September = 665 – 345 = 320 Chairs sold by B in August = 320
    Tables sold by B in September = Chairs sold by A in Aug = 210
    ∴Table sold by A in September = 400 – 210 = 190
    Wardrobes sold by B in September = wardrobes sold by A in Aug = 115
    ∴Wardrobes sold by A in September = 210 – 115 = 95 Chairs sold by B in October = 1025 – 320 – 320 = 385
    Tables sold by A in October = (1025 – 480) – (180 + 190) = 175 Tables sold by B in August = (11/12) × 180 = 165
    Tables sold by B in October = (38/35) × 175 = 190
    Wardrobes sold by B in August = 1075 – (210 + 320 + 180 + 165 + 115) = 85 Let wardrobes sold by A in October be a and that by B be b in October
    ∴a = b – 35 and a + b = 205
    ⇒a = 85 and b = 120

Directions (11-15): Study the following information and answer the questions that follow:

The ratio of male to female employees in an organization is 5 : 7. All employees of the organization work at different levels. (Level- I, II, III, IV, V). 16 2/3% of the male employees work at level I. The difference between male employees working at level II and male employees working at level IV is 114, while the sum of the same is 250. (male employees at level II < male employees at level IV). 9 male employees work at level V, which is 2% of the total number of male employees. remaining male employees work at level III. 22 2/9% of the female employees work at level I. The no. Female employees working at level II is 6 more than the no. of female employees working at level III. The number of female employees working at level IV is 2 more than the number of male employees at the same level. The number of female employees working at level V is 57 1/7% of the female employees working at level I.

11. Find the total number of employees working on level II. A. 176
B. 184
C. 188
D. 192
E. None of these Correct option is: B
12. Female employees working on level V constitutes what percent of total number of employees in the organization?
A. 5 1/9%
B. 5 1/3%
C. 5 5/9%
D. 7 11/27%
E. None of these Correct option is: D
13. What is the respective ratio of male employees working at level I to the female employees working at level V?
A. 15 : 16
B. 14 : 15
C. 15 : 17
D. 17 : 19
E. None of these

Correct option is: A

14. What is the total number of employees working at level I, level II and level III?
A. 325
B. 425
C. 475
D. 525
E. None of these Correct option is: E
15. The number of female employees of which level is equal to the number of male employees of level III?
A. level I
B. level II
C. level III
D. level IV
E. level V

Correct option is: B

Directions (16 – 20): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

Information about number of patients who were tested positive to COVID-19 tests in five different cities of India is as follows.

Delhi has 60% more patients than Jaipur, which has 400 more than Chennai. Number of patients in Calcutta was half the number of patients in Chennai. Number of patients in Mumbai was 100 less than Chennai. Total patients were 9100 as on 31 March 2019 in all the five cities together.

It was found that out of every 200 patients, 180 recovered within 14 days, 18 took 30 days to recover and 2 died.

16. Find average number of patients in Chennai, Calcutta and Mumbai. A. 1100
B. 1200
C. 1300

D. 1400
E. None of these Correct option is: C
17. Number of patients in Jaipur was what percent more than Calcutta? A. 100%
B. 150%
C. 200%
D. 250%
E. None of these Correct option is: B
18. For each 1000 tests the numbers of people who were found positive were 130. Find out how many tests were conducted that produced 9100 total positive cases? A. 35000
B. 40000
C. 91000
D. 130000
E. 70000

Correct option is: E

19. How many patients recovered till 30 April 2020, if all the patients in Delhi, Jaipur and Calcutta are considered?
A. 5400
B. 5540
C. 4590
D. 5940
E. 5990

Correct option is: D

20. How many people died in Jaipur, Mumbai and Chennai together?
A. 41
B. 51
C. 55
D. 112
E. 102

Correct option is: B Solution:
Let the number of patients in Delhi, Jaipur, Chennai, Calcutta, Mumbai were D, J, Ch, Cal, M respectively.

Then we have

D = 1.6J = 1.6(400+Ch)

Cal = 1 Ch

M = Ch – 100

Therefore, we have

D + J + Ch + Cal + M = 9100

1.6 (400 + Ch) + (400 + Ch) + Ch + 1
Ch + Ch – 100 = 9100

940 + 5.1Ch = 9100

Ch = 1600

Delhi = 3200

Jaipur = 2000

Chennai = 1600

Calcutta = 800

Mumbai = 1500

Directions (21-25): Given below is the information regarding to the result of 3 students Arun, Sanjeev, Kamal in sessional exams of class 12th. Read it carefully and answer the following questions: –

There are total 5 subjects i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Maths, English, and computers each carrying different maximum marks. Physics and Chemistry both carries equal maximum marks i.e. 35. Math carries maximum marks 5 more than Physics and 10 more than English. Total of maximum marks of the 5 subjects is 160. Kamal scored 60% in Physics, while Sanjeev scored 48 4/7% in the same subject. Arun scored only 13.5 marks in Physics. Arun scored 24 marks in Chemistry which is 60% more than the marks scored by Sanjeev in the same subject. The total of the marks of 3 students in chemistry is 58, Kamal scored 15.5 marks in Maths, while Sanjeev scored 35% in the same subject and Arun scored highest in maths with 29 marks. Arun scored 40% in English which is 33 1/3% less than the marks of Sanjeev in the same subject. Score of Kamal in English is 14 marks. The sum of marks of Arun and Sanjeev in computers is 32 while the ratio of the same is 9 : 7. Kamal scored 77.5% marks in computers.

21. What is the average marks scored by the 3 students in English? (round off to nearest integer)
A. 11
B. 14
C. 18
D. 15
E. None of these

22. Find the difference between total marks scored by Arun in all subjects and the total marks scored by Sanjeev in all subjects together.
A. 12
B. 18.5
C. 17
D. 21
E. None of these Correct option is: B
23. Calculate the percentage of marks obtained by Kamal in the sessional exams. A. 50.5%
B. 52.25%
C. 53.125%
D. 53.75%
E. None of these

Correct option is: C

24. Marks of Sanjeev in English and Math’s in what percent more or less than by marks of all the 3 students in computers?(round off to 2 decimal places).
A. 32.63%
B. 33.33%
C. 35.63%
D. 36.63%
E. 38.63%

Correct option is: A

25. If the passing marks in each sessional are 40%, then total number of compartments of all students together?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

Directions (26 – 30): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

There are seven pipes connected to a tank out of which four are inlet pipes i.e. A, C, E and F and three are outlet pipes i.e. B, D and G. Pipes B and E together can fill the empty tank in 90 hours. Pipe A is 50% more efficient than pipe D. Pipes E and F together can fill the empty tank in 36 hours. Pipe E is 10% less efficient than Pipe C. Pipes B and G together can empty the full tank in 36 hours. Pipes A and D together can fill the empty tank in 216 hours. Pipes B and F together can fill the empty tank in 180 hours.

26. What is the time (upto one decimal point) taken by all the inlet pipes to fill the tank completely?
A. 16 hours
B. 16.6 hours
C. 17 hours
D. 17.6 hours
E. None of these Correct option is: B
27. In how many hours, pipes A and F together can fill the tank?
A. 42 hours
B. 36 hours
C. 40 hours
D. 35 hours
E. 45 hours

Correct option is: C

28. If all the outlet pipes are opened together, then find the time taken by them to empty the full tank?
A. 32 hours
B. 27 hours
C. 25 hours
D. 30 hours
E. 24 hours

Correct option is: B

29. What is the time taken by pipes B, C and D together to fill the empty tank?
A. 240 hours
B. 250 hours
C. 256 hours
D. 270 hours
E. 275 hours Correct option is: D

30. If the pipes D and E are used as inlet pipes and A and C as outlet pipes. Find the approximate time required to fill the empty tank and empty the filled tank respectively?
A. 31 hours, 31 hours
B. 39 hours, 39 hours
C. 39 hours, 31 hours
D. 31 hours, 39 hours
E. None of these Correct option is: C

Directions (31 – 35): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

In an examination, six subjects – A, B, C, D, E, and F have equal maximum marks. The number of marks scored by one particular candidate in subject A is 20% less than his marks in subject F. The ratio of marks scored by the same candidate in subject B to that in C is 4 : 5 and that in D to E is 3 : 4. The number of marks scored by this candidate in subject E is 25% more than that of F. He scored 65 marks in the subject C. He scored 436/9 % in the examination and the average of marks scored by him in all the subjects is 218/3.

31. What was the total marks in the examination? A. 600
B. 1200
C. 750
D. 900
E. None of these Correct option is: D
32. What percentage of marks the candidate had scored in the subject E over the maximum marks of that subject?
A. 33.33%
B. 32%
C. 100%
D. 66.66%
E. None of these Correct option is: D

33. The number of marks obtained by the candidate in the subject B was how much less than in the subject D?
A. 29
B. 23
C. 19
D. 27
E. None of these Correct option is: B
34. What was the average of marks obtained by the candidate in the subject E and F together?
A. 90
B. 80
C. 85
D. 100
E. None of these Correct option is: A
35. The number of marks obtained by the candidate in the subject C was how much percentage less than that of subject E?
A. 45%
B. 40%
C. 65%
D. 35%
E. None of these Correct option is: D
Let the marks scored by the candidate in the subject F = 10x then

The marks scored by the candidate in the subject A = 80% of 10x = 8x

The ratio of marks scored in B to that in C is 4 : 5 and that D to E is 3 : 4. The number of marks scored by the candidate in E is 25% more than that of F

In E, the marks obtained = 125% of 10x = 25x = 4a

Then, the marks obtained in D = 3 × 25 = 75x
2 × 4 8

The marks obtained in C = 5y = 65

The marks obtained in B = 4y = 65 × 4 = 52

According to the question,

A + B + C + D + E + F = 218 × 6

8x + 52 + 65 + 75x + 25x + 10x = 436
8 2

8x + 75x + 25x + 10x= 436 – 52 – 65 = 319
8 2

(64x + 75x + 100x + 80x) = 319 × 8

x = 8

The total marks = z then 48 4 % of z = 436

By solving, z = 436 × 900 = 900

Directions (36 – 40): Study the following information and answer the questions that follow:

In a bilateral cricket series between India and Australia, the probability that India wins the first game is 0.4. If India wins any game, the probability that it wins the next game is 0.3; otherwise the probability is 0.2.

36. Find the probability that India wins the first two games. A. 0.08

B. 0.32
C. 0.18
D. 0.12
E. None of these

Correct option is: D Solution:
P(Win first game)* P(Win second game)= 0.4*0.3=0.12

37. Find the probability that India wins at least one of the first two games. A. 0.48
B. 0.32
C. 0.56
D. 0.52
E. 0.58

Correct option is: D Solution:
P(won at least 1 game)= 1- P(won no games)
=1- [P(lost 1st game)*P(lost second game)]
=1- [(1-0.4)*(1-0.2)]
in the second bracket because after losing the first game the probability of wining the second match is 0.2. So 1-0.2 is the probability of losing that game too.

38. Find the probability that India wins the first three games. A. 0.028
B. 0.030
C. 0.032
D. 0.036
E. 0.044

Correct option is: D Solution:
0.4*0.3*0.3= 0.036

39. Find the probability that India wins exactly one of the first three matches. A. 0.416
B. 0.396
C. 0.096
D. 0.404

E. 0.214

Correct option is: D Solution:
This problem can be solved in three parts
Part 1- India wins first game and loses second and third part 2= Lose + Win + Lose
Part 3= Lose + Lose+ Win
P (Part 1)= India wins first game * India loses second game* India loses third game
= 0.4 * (1-0.3)* (1-0.2)= 0.4*0.7*0.8 = 0.224
P (Part2)= India loses first game * Wins second game * Loses third game
= (1-0.4)* 0.2 * (1-0.3)= 0.6*0.2*0.7= 0.084
P (Part 3)= L*L*W = (1-0.4)* (1-0.2) * 0.2= 0.6*0.8*0.2= 0.096
P= P1+P2+P3= 0.404

40. Find the probability that India wins exactly one of the first two games. A. 0.20
B. 0.40
C. 0.44
D. 0.36
E. 0.28

Correct option is: B Solution:
Part 1= Won first * Lost Second= 0.4* (1-0.3)= 0.4*0.7=0.28 Part 2= Lost First* Won second = (1-0.4)*0.2= 0.6*0.2=0.12 P= 0.28+0.12=0.40

Directions (41 – 45): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

In an Island called Nucolar, only two tribes Bhainaa and Koliya lives. The population of Bhainaa is 50% more than that of Koliya. In the island, the ratio of males to females is 11 : 9 and in Koliya tribe the number of females is 40% less than that of male population and in Bhainaa tribe, the male populations are equal to that of female populations. The total number of female populations in Koliya tribe is 1200.

41. What is the ratio of the total population of the island to the total male populations of the Bhainaa tribe?
A. 5 : 2
B. 10 : 3
C. 15 : 7
D. 12 : 5
E. None of these Correct option is: B
42. What is the total number of male populations in the island? A. 4200
B. 4400
C. 4600
D. 4500
E. None of these Correct option is: B
43. In the island, the total number male populations are how much more than that of female population?
A. 600
B. 1000
C. 1200
D. 800
E. None of these Correct option is: D
44. 20% of the total population of the island are below eighteen then total how many of people are above eighteen?
A. 8000
B. 6400
C. 5600
D. 7200
E. None of these Correct option is: B

45. The total number of female population in Bhainaa tribe is how much percentage more than that of Koliya tribe?
A. 200%
B. 250%
C. 150%
D. 50%
E. 100%
Correct option is: E Solution:
Let the population of Koliya = 2x then the ppulatin of Bhainaa = 150% of 2x = 3x
……… (i)

Let the number of males = 11a then the number of females = 9a (ii)

In Koliya tribe, let the number of male = 5b then the number of female = (100 – 40)% of 5b = 60% of 5b = 3b = 1200

b = 400

Then x = 1600


In Bhainaa tribe, the male population = c = the number of female populations

= 4800 = 2400

From the equation (ii)
The number of males = 11 × 8000 = 4400

The number of female populations = 9 × 8000 = 3600

Directions (46 – 50): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

A father divided his property between two sons A and B and one daughter C. The person has Rs. 80000 in cash, Rs. 5 lakhs as land and Rs. 6 lakhs as gold. He gave half of the gold to his daughter and remaining gold divided between sons in equal proportion. He gave only 20% of total land to his daughter and divided the remaining land between sons A and B in the ratio of 3 : 1 respectively on the condition that the child who received highest share of land will give Rs. 2500 per month to his father. He gave 75% of the total cash amount to his daughter and remaining cash amount was divided between sons in equal proportion.

46. How much total property (in cash, land and Gold together) did C get?
A. Rs. 4.9 lakhs
B. Rs. 4.6 lakhs
C. Rs. 4.7 lakhs
D. Rs. 4.8 lakhs
E. None of these Correct option is: B
47. The share of son A in total property was how much more than that of son B in total property?
A. Rs. 2 lakhs
B. Rs. 2.1 lakhs
C. Rs. 1.9 lakhs
D. Rs. 2.2 lakhs
E. None of these Correct option is: A
48. After dividing the property, the father had lived for another 10 years, then the son who had received the highest share of land was left with how much total property after 10years ?
A. Rs. 2.6 lakhs
B. Rs. 1.4 lakhs
C. Rs. 1.65 lakhs
D. Rs. 1.6 lakhs
E. None of these

Correct option is: D

49. The share of land received by Son A was how much percentage more than that by daughter C?
A. 300%
B. 200%
C. 150%
D. 100%
E. None of these Correct option is: B
50. What was the respective ratio of the total property received by son A and that by son B?
A. 21 : 11
B. 2 : 1
C. 25 : 13
D. 23 : 13
E. None of these
Correct option is: D Solution:
The total share of daughter = half of gold + 20% of land + 75% of cash amount

= 6 lakhs + 20% of 5 lakhs + 75% of 80 thousand

= 3 lakhs + 1 lakhs + 60 thousand = 4 lakhs 60 thousand Remaining Gold = 6 lakhs – 3 lakhs = 3 lakhs Remaining Land = 5 lakhs – 1 lakhs = 4 lakhs Remaining Cash = 80000 – 60000 = 20000
The share of son A = (1/2) of remaining gold + (3/4) of remaining land + (1/2) of remaining cash

= 1.5 lakhs + 3 lakhs + 10 thousand = 4.6 lakhs

The share of son B = (1/2) of remaining gold + (1/4) of remaining land + (1/2) of remaining cash

= 1.5 lakhs + 1 lakhs + 10 thousand = 2.6 lakhs

Directions (51 – 55):Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

Chaman and Baman together bought 4 acres of agriculture land in the ratio of 5: 3 in the year 2015 and started cultivating wheat in the year 2016. In that year, Chaman being an elder brother gave 50 tons of wheat which was 8% of his total production of that year to Baman, now Baman’s total wheat quantity was increased by 25%. In the year 2017, Baman’s total wheat production was doubled over the previous year so he returned 10% of his total wheat produced quantity to Chaman now, after receiving from Baman, Chaman’s total wheat quantity was increased by 200/3 %. In the year 2018, both of them had produced an equal quantity of wheat

wheat he had produced in the previous year.

51. What is the total quantity (in ton) of wheat produced by Chaman in the year 2018?
A. 100
B. 120
C. 80
D. 75
E. None of these

Correct option is: D Solution:
In 2016, 8% of Chaman’s total production = 50 tons

Total production = 50 × 100 = 625 tons

Let the Baman’s total production = x tons then 25% of x= 50
x = 50 × 100

x = 200 tons

In 2017,

Baman’s total production = 2 × 200 = 400 tons 10% of 400 = 40 tons he returned to Chaman
Let Chaman’s total production = y then (200/3)% of y = 40

2y = 40

y = 60 tons = Chaman’s total production of wheat in 2017

production of wheat for Baman in the year 2018

52. What was the percentage decrease in Baman’s production of wheat in the year 2018 over the previous year?
A. 87.5%
B. 42.5%
C. 56.5%
D. 81.50%
E. 81.25%

Correct option is: E Solution:
Total quantity (in ton) of wheat produced by Baman in the year 2018 = 75 tons Total quantity (in ton) of wheat produced by Baman in the year 2017 = 400 tons
The reqd. % increase = (400 – 75) × 100 = 325 = 81.25%
400 4

53. What quantity of total wheat did Baman produce in the year 2017 and 2018 together?
A. 525 tons
B. 475 tons
C. 550 tons

D. 575 tons
E. None of these Correct option is: B
54. What is the difference between the total quantity of wheat produced by Chaman in the given three periods to that by Baman in the given three periods?
A. 95 tons
B. 125 tons
C. 85 tons
D. 75 tons
E. None of these Correct option is: C
55. In the year 2016, what was the ratio of average production of wheat per acre for Chaman to the average production of wheat per acre for Baman?
A. 25 : 8
B. 5 : 2
C. 15 : 8
D. 3 : 2
E. None of these Correct option is: C
Directions (56 – 60): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

A person went to market with Rs. 750. He purchased x kg apples, 4 kg bananas and 6 kg mangoes. After purchasing, he was left with Rs. 50 in his pocket. When he calculated, he found that the amount spent to purchase apples was equal to the amount spent to purchase mangoes, the amount spent to purchase bananas was one third of the amount spent to purchase apples and the total quantity of apples purchased by him was half of the total quantity of bananas and mangoes together purchased by him.

56. What is the ratio of price per kg of apples to price per kg of banana? A. 4 : 1
B. 5 : 3
C. 12 : 5

D. 24 : 13
E. None of these

Correct option is: C Solution:
Common explanation :

The total money spent = Rs. (750 – 50) = Rs. 700

Let the price of apples per kg = Rs. a, price of banana per kg = Rs. b, price of mangoes per kg = Rs. c

Then, according to the question, x × a + 4 × b + 6 × c = 700

The amount spent to purchase apples was equal to the amount spent to purchase mangoes

then, xa = 6c, a : c = 6 : x

x = 6 + 4 = 10 = 5 kg
2 2

The amount spent to purchase bananas was one third of the amount spent to purchase apples

4b = 1 × xa = 1 × 6c
3 3

4b = 2c

b : c = 1 : 2 (ii)

a : b : c = 60 : 25 : 50

Let the price per kg of apple = Rs. 60p, then price of banana per kg = Rs. 25p and

price of mangoes per kg = Rs. 50p x × a + 4 × b + 6 × c = 700
5a + 4b + 6c = 700

5 × 60p + 4 × 25p + 6 × 50p = 700

300p + 100p + 300p = 700p = 700

p = 1

It means, the price per kg of apple = Rs. 60p = Rs. 60

Price per kg of banana = Rs. 25p = Rs. 25 andprice per kg of mangoes = Rs. 50p = Rs. 50

57. How much money did he spend to purchase mangoes?
A. Rs. 240
B. Rs. 300
C. Rs. 324
D. Rs. 306
E. None of these

Correct option is: B Solution:
The total he spends to purchase mangoes = 6c = 6 × 50 = 300
58. If he purchases two kg mangoes, 1 kg apples, and 2 kg banana then how much money will he left with in his pocket?
A. Rs. 210
B. Rs. 580
C. Rs. 540
D. Rs. 520
E. None of these

Correct option is: C Solution:
The price of two kg mangoes, 1 kg apples, and 2 kg banana = 2 × 50 + 1 × 60 + 2 × 25 = 100 + 60 + 50 = 210

The required difference = 750 – 210 = 540

59. How many kg of apples did he purchase?
A. 5
B. 4
C. 6
D. 3
E. None of these Correct option is: A

60. If he purchases less quantity (in kg) of mangoes and the quantity of apples and bananas purchased remains same then he was left with 33.33% of the total amount. How many kg of total fruits did he purchase?
A. 10 Kg
B. 11 Kg
C. 9 Kg
D. 12 Kg
E. None of these

Correct option is: B Solution:
33.33% of 750 = Rs. 250

It means, he spent Rs. (750 – 250) = Rs. 500 he purchases less quantity (in kg) of mangoes the price of mangoes = Rs. 50 per kg
He spent Rs. 300 for buying apples and Rs. 100 for buying bananas. So he purchased mangoes worth Rs. 100

So he purchased 2 kg mangoes.

The total quantity of fruits he purchased = 5 + 4 + 2 = 11 kg

Directions (61 – 65): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

In an annual examination of 12th board consisting only three subjects, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics 400 students appeared from a college.

400 students had passed in chemistry, 360 students had passed in physics, and 375 students had passed in mathematics. 80% of the total number of students had passed in all the three subjects. All those except 40 students, who had passed in mathematics also passed in physics and all those except 30 students, who had passed in physics also passed in chemistry. 85% of the total number of students who had passed in chemistry also passed in mathematics.

61. How many of students had passed only in chemistry?
A. 20
B. 50
C. 60
D. 100
E. None of these

Correct option is: B Solution :
Common Explanation:

b = 375 – 320 – 40 = 15 = Passed only in Physics and Mathematics c = 85% of 400 – 320 = 340 – 320 = 20
a = 360 – 320 – 30 = 10

d = 360 – a – b – 320 = 360 – 10 – 15 – 320 = 15

f = 400 – a – c – 320 = 400 – 10 – 20 – 320 = 50

e = 375 – 320 – b – c = 375 – 320 – 15 – 20 = 20

62. Find the sum of all the students who had passed in only two subjects?
A. 55
B. 50
C. 45
D. 60
E. None of these

Correct option is: C Solution:
b + c + a = 15 + 20 + 10 = 45

63. The number of students who had passed only in Mathematics is what percent of the number of students who had passed only in Physics and Chemistry?
A. 200%
B. 50%
C. 150%
D. 250%
E. None of these

Correct option is: A Solution:
The number of students who had passed only in Mathematics = e = 20

the number of students who had passed only in Physics and Chemistry = a = 10

Reqd. % = 20 × 100 = 200%

64. Find the ratio of the number of students who had passed in chemistry to the number of students who had passed in physics and mathematics both?
A. 5 : 4.4
B. 80 : 67
C. 100 : 97
D. 5 : 4
E. None of these Correct option is: B

The required ratio = 400 : (15 + 320) = 400 : 335 = 80 : 67
65. The number of students who had passed in all the three subjects is how many times of the sum of all the students who had passed in exactly two subjects?
A. 71 times

B. 82 times

C. 72 times

D. 74 times

E. None of these

Correct option is: A Solution:
The sum of all the students who had passed in exactly two subjects = b + c + a = 15
+ 20 + 10 = 45

The number of students who had passed in all the three subjects = 320

Reqd. answer = 320 = 64
45 9

= 1 times

Directions (66 – 70): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

TATA Motors (A Car manufacturing company) manufactured only two brands of cars A and B in the year 2016. In the year 2017, it introduced a new brand of car C. The number of cars of brands A and that of brand B manufactured in the year 2016 was in the ratio of 4: 5 respectively. The number of cars of brand A manufactured in the year 2016 to that in the year 2017 was in the ratio of 3: 2 and the number of cars of brand B manufactured in the year 2016 to that in the year 2017 was in the ratio of 3: 4. Further, the total number of cars manufactured in the year 2017 of brand C forms 30% of the total number of cars manufactured in the year 2017.

66. In the year 2016, total 1800 cars of brand A was manufactured then find the total number of cars of brand C manufactured in the year 2017?

A. 2100
B. 1800
C. 2700
D. 2400
E. None of these

Correct option is : B Solution:
Common explanation:

Let in the year 2016, The total number of cars of brand A manufactured = 4x then the total number of cars of brand B manufactured in that year = 5x

Let in the year 2017, total number of cars manufactured of brand A = P and that of brand B = Q then according to the question

4x : P = 3 : 2

8x = 3P
P = 8x

For the brand B, 5x : Q = 3 : 4
20x = 3Q
Q = 20x

= total number of cars manufactured of brand B in the year 2017 Following common explanation, we get

In the year 2016, The total number of cars of brand A manufactured = 4x = 1800

x = 1800 = 450

The total number of cars manufactured of brand A and B in the year 2017

= 8x + 20x = 28x = 28 × 450 = 4200
3 3 3 3

Let the total number of cars manufactured of brand C in the year 2017 = c then c = 30% of (4200 + c)
100c = 30 × 4200 + 30c

70c = 30 × 4200

c = 30 × 60 = 1800

67. What is the percentage increase in the total number of cars of all the brands manufactured in the year 2017 when compared to the total number of cars of both the brands manufactured in the year 2016? (approximately)
A. 45%
B. 52%
C. 48%
D. 56%
E. None of these

Correct option is : C solution:
Following common explanation, we get

The total number of cars of all the brands manufactured in the year 2017

= 8x + 20x + c = 28x + c
3 3 3

where c = total number of cars manufactured of brand C in the year 2017 28x
c = 30% of ( 3 + c)

100c – 30c = 70c = 30 × 28x

c = 12x

the total number of cars of all the brands manufactured in the year 2017
= 8x + 20x + c = 28x + 12x = 40x
3 3 3 3 3

the total number of cars of all the brands manufactured in the year 2016 = 4x + 5x
= 9x the required percentage increase (40x – 9x)
= 3 × 100 = 13 × 100 = 1300 = 48.15% approximately
9x 27 27

68. In the next year i.e. in the year 2018, TATA Motors wants to increase its car manufacturing capacity by 25% compared to the previous year but it doesn’t want to make any changes in the number of cars manufactured in the previous year of any brands therefore it introduced a new brand D. Suppose TATA Motors had manufactured total number of 900 cars of brand C in the year 2017 , then in the year 2018 how many cars of brand D should it manufacture?
A. 825
B. 775
C. 725
D. 850
E. 750

Correct option is : E Solution:
Following common explanation, we get

The total number of cars of all the brands manufactured in the year 2017

= 8x + 20x + c = 28x + c
3 3 3
where c = total number of cars manufactured of brand C in the year 2017
= 30% of ( 28x + c )

100c – 30c = 70c = 30 × 28x
c = 12x = 900

x = 900 = 225

the total number of cars of all the brands manufactured in the year 2017
= 8x + 20x + c = 28x + 12x = 40x = 40 × 225 = 3000
3 3 3 3 3 3

In the next year i.e. in the year 2018, TATA Motors wants to increase its car manufacturing capacity by 25% compare to the previous year

Therefore, in the year 2018, the total number of cars it will manufacture = 125% of 3000 = 3750

It doesn’t make a changes in any brand therefore the total number of brand D cars it will manufacture = 3750 – 3000 = 750

69. If in the year 2017, total 7000 cars were manufactured but the total number of cars manufactured in the year 2017 of brand C forms only 4% instead of 30% then find total how many cars of brand A were manufactured in the years 2016 and 2017 together?
A. 5200
B. 4200
C. 4650
D. 4800
E. None of these

Correct option is : D Solution :
Following common explanation, we get

The total number of cars of brands C manufactured in the year 2017 = 4% of 7000
= 280

The total number of cars manufactured of brand A and B in the year 2017

= 8x + 20x = 28x = 7000 – 280 = 6720
3 3 3

x = 6720 × 3 = 240 × 3 = 720

total cars of brand A manufactured in the years 2016 and 2017 together

= 4x + 8x = 20x = 20 × 720 = 4800
3 3 3

70. If in the year 2017, 900 cars of brand B was manufactured then find the sum of the total number of cars of all the brands manufactured in the year 2016 and 2017 together?
A. 2995
B. 3015
C. 3250
D. 2775
E. None of these

Correct option is : B Solution:
Following common explanation, we get

20x = 900

x = 45 × 3 = 135

the total number of cars of all the brands manufactured in the year 2017

= 8x + 20x + c = 28x + 12x = 40x
3 3 3 3 3

the total number of cars of all the brands manufactured in the year 2016 = 4x + 5x
= 9x

The reqd. sum = 9x + 40x = 67x = 67 × 135 = 45 × 67 = 3015
3 3 3

Directions (71 – 75): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside:

At a place there are 1200 followers of three BABAs – Baba1, Baba2 and Baba3, the number of male followers and the number of female followers are in the ratio of 7 : 5. Each follower follows at least one of these Babas. 10% of male followers follow Baba1 only, 20% follow Baba2 only and 12% follow Baba3 only. 10% follow only Baba1 and Baba3. 18% follow only Baba3 and Baba2 and 20% follow only Baba1 and Baba2. The remaining male followers follow all the Babas. 18% of female followers follow Baba1 only. 10% follow only Baba2 only and 12% follow Baba3 only. 20% follow only Baba1 and Baba3, 12% follow only Baba3 and Baba2 and 8% follow only Baba1 and Baba2. The remaining female followers follow all three Babas.

71. What is the ratio of the number of male followers who follow Baba2 to the number of female followers who follow Baba1?
A. 238 : 165
B. 231 : 161
C. 170 : 61
D. 7 : 5
E. None of these

Correct option is : A Solution:
Common Explanation:

And the given ratio of Male to Female = 7 : 5, Therefore, man will be 700 and female will be 500.

Baba Male Followers (700) Female Followers (500)
Only Baba1 10% of 700 = 70 18% of 500 = 90
Only Baba 2 20% of 700 = 140 10% of 500 = 50

Only Baba 3 12% of 700 = 84 12% of 500 = 60
Only Baba1 and Baba3 10% of 700 = 70 20% of 500 = 100
Only Baba3 and Baba2 18% of 700 = 126 12% of 500 = 60
Only Baba1 and Baba2 20% of 700 = 140 8% of 500 = 40
All the Babas 700 – (70+140+84+126+70+140)
= 70 500 – (90+50+60+100+60+40)
= 100

Following the common explanation, we get

The number of male followers who follow Baba2 = 140 + 126 + 140 + 70 = 476

∴ Reqd ratio = 476 = 238
= 238 : 165
330 165

72. The total number of male followers following less than two Babas is what percent of the total number of female followers following more than one Baba?
A. 50
B. 79
C. 98
D. 662
E. Other than the given options

Correct option is : C Solution:
Following the common explanation, we get

The number of male followers who follow less than two Babas = 70 + 140 + 84 = 294

Total number female followers who follow more than one Baba = 60 + 100 + 40 +

100 = 300

∴ Reqd% = 294 × 100 = 98%

73. What is the ratio of the total number of female followers who follow all the Babas to the total number of male followers who follow all three Babas?
A. 10 : 7
B. 25 : 9
C. 29 : 14
D. 14 : 5
E. 14 : 9

Correct option is : A Solution:
Following the common explanation, we get

74. The number of female followers following Baba3 only is approximately what per cent less than the number of male followers following Baba1 only?
A. 68
B. 14
C. 80
D. 42
E. None of these
Correct option is : B Solution:
Following the common explanation, we get

The total number of female followers following only Baba3 = 60 And the total number of male followers following Baba1 only = 70

Reqd% = 70 – 60 × 100 = 1000 ≈ 14%
70 70

75. The number of male followers following only Baba2 is what per cent of the number of female followers who follow only Baba3 and only Baba1?
A. 982 %

B. 931 %

C. 661 %

D. 971 %

E. 831 %

Correct option is : B Solution:
Following the common explanation, we get

And, the total number female followers who follow only Baba3 and only Baba1 = 60 and 90

Reqd% = 140 × 100 = 14000
60 + 90 150

≈ 93 %

Directions (76 – 80): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

Three friends Seeta, Reeta and Geeta spends 12%, 14% and 16% of their monthly salary on travelling in the given order and each of them save half of the remaining amount. The monthly salary of Seeta and Geeta is same and the monthly saving of Seeta is Rs. 360 more than that of Geeta. The total expenditures of Seeta and Reeta together on travelling is Rs. 1240 more than that of Geeta.

76. What is the monthly expenditure of Seeta and Reeta together on travelling? A. Rs. 4240
B. Rs. 4120
C. Rs. 4120
D. Rs. 4480
E. None of these

Correct option is : B Solution:
Common explanation :

Let the monthly salary of Seeta = Rs. 100x

Remaining = Rs. (100x – 12x) = Rs. 88x

Saving = 88x = Rs. 44x
Reeta’s month salary = Rs. 100y


The monthly salary of Geeta = The monthly salary of Seeta = Rs. 100x The monthly expenditures of Geeta on travelling = 16% of 100x = Rs. 16x Remaining = Rs.(100x – 16x) = Rs. 84x
Saving = 84x = Rs. 42x

The monthly salary of Seeta and Geeta are same and the monthly saving of Seeta is Rs. 360 more than that of Geeta

44x – 42x = 2x = 360

x = 180

The total expenditures of Seeta and Reeta together on travelling is Rs. 1240 more than that of Geeta.

12x + 14y = 16x + 1240

14y = 4x + 1240 = 720 + 1240 = 1960

y = 140

Following common explanation, we get

The monthly expenditure of Seeta and Reeta together on travelling = Rs. (12x + 14y) = Rs. (12 × 180 + 14 × 140)

= Rs. (2160 + 1960) = Rs. 4120

77. The monthly salary of Reeta is how much more than/less than that of Seeta?
A. Rs. 0
B. Rs. 3000 more
C. Rs. 4000 more
D. Rs. 3000 less
E. Rs. 4000 less

Correct option is : E Solution:
Following common explanation, we get

The monthly salary of Reeta = Rs. 100y = Rs. 14000 The monthly salary of Seeta = Rs. 100x = Rs. 18000
The required answer = Rs. (14000 – 18000) = 4000 less than that of Seeta

78. What is the sum of the saving of all the three friends together? A. Rs. 21500
B. Rs. 22480
C. Rs. 24000

D. Rs. 20800
E. None of these

Correct option is : A Solution:
Following common explanation, we get

The required sum = Rs. (44x + 43y + 42x) = Rs. (86x + 43y) = Rs. (86 × 180 + 43
× 140) = Rs. (15480 + 6020) = Rs. 21500

79. The total monthly saving of three friends together is what percentage of their total monthly salary?
A. 42%
B. 44%
C. 41%
D. 43%
E. None of these

Correct option is : D Solution:
Following common explanation, we get

Their total monthly salary = Rs. (100x + 100y + 100x) = Rs. (200x + 100y) = Rs. (36000 + 14000) = Rs. 50000

Total monthly saving = Rs. (44x + 43y + 42x) = Rs. (86x + 43y) = Rs. (86 × 180 + 43 × 140) = Rs. (15480 + 6020) = Rs. 21500

The reqd. answer = 21500 × 100 = 43%
80. By how much should Seeta’s monthly salary be increased so the monthly expenditures of Seeta on travelling will become equal to that of Geeta?
A. Rs. 4000
B. Rs. 6000
C. Rs. 8000
D. Rs. 3600
E. None of these Correct option is : B

Following common explanation, we get

The monthly expenditures of Seeta = Rs. 12X = Rs. 12 × 180 = Rs. 2160 The monthly expenditures of Geeta = Rs. 16X = Rs. 180 × 16 = Rs. 2880 Let the monthly salary of Seeta was increased by a% then
12% of [(100 + a)% of 18000] = 2880

12% of [18000 + a × 180] = 2880

2160 + 21.6a = 2880

21.6a = 720

a = 7200 % = 33.33%

Directions (81 – 85): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

Virat kohli scored runs against different countries in three different years. NOTE: Total runs scored in a year= Australia + England + Others
2015: The total runs scored in 2015 were 1200. The runs scored against England were 1/3rd of the runs against Others in 2016. The average runs scored against Australia and England was 300.

2016: The total runs scored against Australia and Others was 1200. The ratio of the total runs scored against Others in 2015 to that of the total runs scored against Others in 2016 is 4:3. The total runs scored against England in 2016 were equal to the total runs scored against England in 2017.

2017: The sum of the total runs scored against Australia and England is equal to the total runs scored against Others. The total runs scored in 2017 were 1400. The total runs scored against Australia were twice of the runs scored against England in 2015.

81. What were the total runs scored in 2016? A. 1100
B. 1500
C. 1600
D. 1400
E. 1000
Correct option is : C Solution:


The ratio of the total runs scored against Others in 2015 to that of the total runs scored against Others in 2016 is 4 : 3.

So the total runs against Others in 2016

= 600 × 3 = 450

The total runs scored against Australia and Others = 1200 The total runs scored against Australia = 1200 – 450 = 750 2017:

The total runs scored in 2017 were 1400.

The sum of the total runs scored against Australia and England is equal to the total runs scored against Others. It means the total runs scored against Others were is half i.e 700 runs and the sum of the total runs scored against Australia and England was 700.

Years Australia England Others
(1200) 600
2016 750 450
(1400) 700


The runs scored against England were 1/3rd of the runs against Others in 2016.




The total runs scored against Australia were twice of the runs scored against England in 2015.

The total runs scored against Australia = 150 × 2= 300 The total runs scored against England = 700 – 300=400 2016:
The total runs scored against England in 2016 were equal to the total runs scored against England in 2017.

The total runs scored against England = 400

Years Australia England Others
2015 (1200) 450 150 600
2016 (1600) 750 400 450
2017 (1400) 300 400 700
The total runs scored in 2016 were 1600.

82. What is the sum of the runs scored against England in all three years? A. 800
B. 950
C. 850
D. 1050
E. 1100

Correct option is : B

83. What is the ratio of the total runs scored against Australia in 2015 to that of the total runs scored against England in 2017?
A. 7 : 9
B. 9 : 7
C. 11 : 7
D. 9 : 8
E. 11 : 13

Correct option is : D

84. What is the difference between the total runs scored against Others in 2015 to the total runs scored against Others in 2016?
A. 150
B. 200
C. 100
D. 300
E. 250

Correct option is : A

85. The total runs scored against Australia in 2016 is what percentage of the total runs scored against Australia in 2017?
A. 125%
B. 100%
C. 150%

D. 200%
E. 250%

Correct option is : E

Directions (86 – 90): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

Ram goes to a hill station by car. While going upwards (uphill) the consumption of petrol was increased by 25% of the normal consumption of petrol but while going downwards (downhill) the consumption of petrol was decreased by 50% of the normal consumption of petrol. He goes from the point A to the point B. The total distance between point A and point B is 525 km in which the total distance travelled by him uphill is 2.5 times of the total distance travelled by him downhill and the total distance travelled by him on the plane surface is 140 km. While coming back from the point B to point A, he saves 15 litres of petrol and the consumption of petrol is normal on plane surface.

86. What is the mileage of the car on downhill?
A. 1 litre per 10 kilometers
B. 1 litre per 15 kilometers
C. 1 litre per 17.5 kilometers
D. 1 litre per 15.5 kilometers
E. 1 litre per 16.5 kilometres

Correct option is :E Solution:
Common explanation :

Let the normal consumption of petrol = 4x litres per kilometre

While going Uphill, consumption of petrol = 5x litres per km (While going upwards (uphill) the consumption of petrol was increased by 25% of the normal consumption of petrol)

While going downhill, consumption of petrol = 2x litres per kilometre (while going downwards (downhill) the consumption of petrol was decreased by 50% of the normal consumption of petrol)

The total distance between A and B = 525 KM

Let the total distance travelled by him downhill = d km then, the total distance travelled by him uphill = 2.5d km

According to the question, 2.5d + d + 140 = 525
By solving, d = 385 = 110 km

Total uphill distance = 110 × 2.5 = 275 km Total downhill distance = 110 km
While going from the Point A to point B, the car will consume total petrol of


The total consumption of petrol while coming back from the point B to point A = 2X × 275 + 5X × 110 + 4X × 140 = 1660x litres (II)

According to the question, while coming back from the point B to point A, he saves 7 litres of petrol

It means, 2155x – 1660x = 15 litres

x = 15 = 1
495 33

2x litre per kilometre = 2 litre per kilometre
= 1 litre per 16.5 kilometres

87. If point A to point B were a plane surface then how many litres of petrol he would have consumed more while going and coming back?
A. 12 litres
B. 18.33 litres
C. 15.33 litres
D. 11.67 litres
E. 12.67 litres
Correct option is : D Solution:
The total petrol consumption while going and coming back

= 2155 + 1660 = 3815 litres
33 33 33





1050 km = 1050 × 4
litre = 4200
33 33

Reqd. difference = 4200 – 3815 = 385 litres = 11.67 litres
33 33 33

88. The quantity (in litres) of petrol consumed for the entire journey (from point A to point B and from point B to point A) is
A. 114.4 litres
B. 145.2 litres
C. 120.4 litres
D. 110.5 litres
E. 115.6 litres

Correct option is : E Solution:

The total petrol consumption while going and coming back

= 2155 + 1660 = 3815 litres = 115.6 litres
33 33 33

89. If the speed of car is 55 km per hour on the plane surface and while going uphill, the car’s speed was decreased by 25% of the normal speed and while going downhill the car’s speed was increased by 50% of the normal speed then approximately how much time he would have taken during the entire journey? (if he returns immediately from point B to point A)
A. 21.09 hours
B. 19.09 hours
C. 19.90 hours
D. 21.10 hours
E. 21.90 hours

Correct option is : B Solution:
While going from Point A to point B, Distance = 275 km uphill + 110 km downhill + 140 km on the place surface (i)

While coming back from the point B to point A

Distance = 140 km on the plane surface + 110 km uphill + 275 km downhill ——-

The total distance while going and coming back = 280 km on the plane surface + 385 km uphill + 385 km downhill (by adding equation (i) and equation (ii))

On the plane surface, the speed of car = 55 km per hr

On uphill, the speed of the car = 75% of 55 = 41.25 km per hour

On downhill, the speed of the car = 150% of 55 = 82.50 km per hour

The total time taken = 280 + 385 + 385
55 41.25 82.50

= 5.09 + 9.33 + 4.67 = 19.09 hours approximately

90. What is the difference between the mileage of car on downhill and that on uphill?
A. 1 litres per 33 kilometres
B. 1 litres per 22 kilometres
C. 1 litres per 11 kilometres
D. 1 litres per 9 kilometres
E. 1 litres per 10 kilometres

Correct option is : C Solution:
The required difference = 5x – 2x = 3x = 3/33 = 1/11 litres per kilometres = 1 litres per 11 kilometres

Direction (91 – 95): Answer the following question based on the information given below.

91. In the year 2007, find the number of house-wives affected by malaria?
A. 60
B. 30
C. 50
D. 110
E. 150

Correct option is : B Solution:
In the year 2007, 30% of the population was affected by malaria out of which 10% were house-wives.

∴ The number of house-wives affected by malaria in the year 2007 = 10% of 30% of 1000 = 0.1 × 0.3 × 1000 = 30

92. In the year 2009, find the number of drivers who were not affected by malaria?

A. 110
B. 125
C. 415
D. 190
E. 90

Correct option is : E Solution:
The number of house-wives, students and drivers were in the ratio 20 : 11 : 9 in each year.

Let the common factor be x.

Also, every year 1000 people were surveyed.

∴ 20x + 11x + 9x = 1000

45% of 1000 = 450

Out of the 450 affected people, 30% were drivers. 30% of 450 = 135
Hence, the numbers of drivers who were not affected by malaria in the year 2009 = 225 − 135 = 90

93. What is the difference in the number of students affected and not affected by malaria in the year 2006?
A. 205
B. 35
C. 200
D. 240
E. 420

Correct option is : A Solution:
Total population of students for each year = 275

In the year 2006, the numbers of students affected by malaria = 60% of 40% of 1000 = 0.6 × 0.4 × 1000 = 240 students

∴ The number of students not affected by malaria = 275 − 240 = 35

∴ Difference between the two = 240 − 35 = 205

94. Find the ratio of the number of house-wives affected by malaria in the year 2005 to that affected by malaria in the year 2008.
A. 5 : 3
B. 9 : 4
C. 3 : 2
D. 2 : 1
E. 4 : 3

Correct option is : C Solution:
The number of house-wives affected by malaria in the year 2005 = 10% of 30% of 1000 = 0.1 × 0.3 × 1000 = 30

The number of house-wives affected by malaria in the year 2008 = 10% of 20% of 1000 = 0.1 × 0.2 × 1000 = 20

The required ratio = 30 : 20 = 3 : 2

95. Which year had the maximum number of students not affected by malaria? A. 2005
B. 2006
C. 2007
D. 2008
E. 2009

Correct option is : D Solution:

Total number of students = 275

The number of students affected by malaria in the year 2005 = 60% of 30% of 1000 = 180

∴ The number of students not affected by malaria = 275 − 180 = 95

The number of students affected by malaria in the year 2006 = 60% of 40% of 1000 = 240

∴ The number of students not affected by malaria = 275 − 240 = 35

The number of students affected by malaria in the year 2007 = 60% of 30% of 1000 = 180

∴ The number of students not affected by malaria = 275 − 180 = 95

The number of students affected by malaria in the year 2008 = 60% of 20% of 1000 = 120

∴ The number of students not affected by malaria = 275 − 120 = 155

The number of students affected by malaria in the year 2009 = 60% of 45% of 1000 = 270

∴ The number of students not affected by malaria = 275 − 270 = 5

Thus, 2008 had the maximum number of students not affected by malaria.

Directions (96 – 100): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

Krishna invested some money under 20% per annum simple interest in Axis bank. At the end of one – year, he withdrew all amount from the Axis bank and invested in Bandhan bank at the rate of R % per annum under compound interest compounded annually for two years and received Rs. 57600 as total interest from the Bandhan bank. The first year’s interest at Bandhan bank was Rs. 24000.

96. In starting, how much money had Krishna invested in Axis bank? A. Rs. 60000
B. Rs. 75000

C. Rs. 10000
D. Rs. 50000
E. None of these

Correct option is : D Solution:
Common explanation :

Let the sum of money he invested in Axis bank = 100x then at the end of one year

Amount = 100x × 1 × 20 + 100x= 120x

The CI of 2 years = 57600 The CI of 1 year = 24000
Difference = 57600 – 24000 = 33600

Now, 33600 – 24000 = 9600


24000 × R
= 9600

R = 40% per annum

Following the common explanation, we get

At 40% per annum, 120x gives compound interest of 57600 in two years or Rs. 24000 in one year

CI = P ( 1 + ) – P

120x ( 1 + 40 ) – 120x = 24000

120x × 1.4 – 120x = 24000

168x – 120x = 48x = 24000

x = 24000 = 500

The sum of money he had invested in Axis bank = 100x = 100 × 500 = Rs. 50000

97. Total how much interest did Krishna get from the Axis bank and the Bandhan bank together?
A. Rs. 68600
B. Rs. 67600
C. Rs. 64600
D. Rs. 71200
E. None of these

Correct option is : B Solution:
Following the common explanation, we get

The required sum = 10,000 + 57600 = 67600

98. If the rate of interest was interchanged i.e. Axis bank had offered R% per annum simple interest and Bandhan bank had offered 20% per annum compound interest then how much less money Krishan would have received at the end of 3 years?
A. Rs. 16800
B. Rs. 15800
C. Rs. 14800
D. Rs. 16400
E. None of these Correct option is : A Solution:

Following the common explanation, we get P = 50000
R = 40%

1st year = 40% per annum SI Next 2 years = 20% per annum CI
Amount at the end of 1st year i.e. received from the Axis bank = 50000 + 40% of 50000 = 70000

SI = 70000 – 50000 = 20000

From the Bandhan bank

CI = P ( 1 + ) – P

CI = 70000 (1 + 20 )2

– 70000


CI = 30800

Total interest = 20000 + 30800 = 50800

The interest, Krishna received from Axis bank = 20x = 20 × 500 = 10,000 The interest from Bandhan bank = 57600
The required sum = 10,000 + 57600 = 67600

The required difference = 67600 – 50800 = 16800

99. If Krishan had invested the sum of money only in Axis bank for 3 years under 20% per annum simple interest then at the end of 3 years, total how much simple interest he would have received from the Axis bank?
A. Rs. 25000
B. Rs. 30000

C. Rs. 40000
D. Rs. 20000
E. None of these

Correct option is : B Solution:
Following the common explanation, we get P = 50000
SI at the end of 3 years = 50000 × 20 × 3 = Rs. 30,000

100. If the first year’s interest at Bandhan bank was same as the simple interest received from the Axis bank at the end of 1 year and the rate of interest for the Bandhan bank remained constant then what should be the rate of interest for Axis bank?
A. 40%
B. 50%
C. 662 %

D. 522 %

E. 882 %

Correct option is :C Solution:
Following the common explanation, we get P = 50,000
Let the interest received from the Axis bank = Rs. x then

the first year’s interest at Bandhan bank = 40% of (50000 + x) = x 20000 + 0.4x = x

0.6x = 20000

x = 200000 = 100000
6 3

R = SI × 100
P × T

R = (100000/3) × 100 = 1000 = 200 % = 66 2 %
50000 × 1 15 3 3


23. Calculate the percentage of marks obtained by Kamal in the sessional exams. A. 50.5%
B. 52.25%
C. 53.125%
D. 53.75%
E. None of these

Correct option is: C

24. Marks of Sanjeev in English and Math’s in what percent more or less than by marks of all the 3 students in computers?(round off to 2 decimal places).
A. 32.63%
B. 33.33%
C. 35.63%
D. 36.63%
E. 38.63%

Correct option is: A

25. If the passing marks in each sessional are 40%, then total number of compartments of all students together?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5







Directions (26 – 30): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

There are seven pipes connected to a tank out of which four are inlet pipes i.e. A, C, E and F and three are outlet pipes i.e. B, D and G. Pipes B and E together can fill the empty tank in 90 hours. Pipe A is 50% more efficient than pipe D. Pipes E and F together can fill the empty tank in 36 hours. Pipe E is 10% less efficient than Pipe C. Pipes B and G together can empty the full tank in 36 hours. Pipes A and D

together can fill the empty tank in 216 hours. Pipes B and F together can fill the empty tank in 180 hours.

26. What is the time (upto one decimal point) taken by all the inlet pipes to fill the tank completely?
A. 16 hours
B. 16.6 hours
C. 17 hours
D. 17.6 hours
E. None of these Correct option is: B
27. In how many hours, pipes A and F together can fill the tank?
A. 42 hours
B. 36 hours
C. 40 hours
D. 35 hours
E. 45 hours

Correct option is: C

28. If all the outlet pipes are opened together, then find the time taken by them to empty the full tank?
A. 32 hours
B. 27 hours
C. 25 hours
D. 30 hours
E. 24 hours

Correct option is: B

29. What is the time taken by pipes B, C and D together to fill the empty tank?
A. 240 hours
B. 250 hours
C. 256 hours
D. 270 hours
E. 275 hours Correct option is: D

30. If the pipes D and E are used as inlet pipes and A and C as outlet pipes. Find the approximate time required to fill the empty tank and empty the filled tank respectively?
A. 31 hours, 31 hours
B. 39 hours, 39 hours
C. 39 hours, 31 hours
D. 31 hours, 39 hours
E. None of these Correct option is: C
Directions (31 – 35): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

In an examination, six subjects – A, B, C, D, E, and F have equal maximum marks. The number of marks scored by one particular candidate in subject A is 20% less than his marks in subject F. The ratio of marks scored by the same candidate in subject B to that in C is 4 : 5 and that in D to E is 3 : 4. The number of marks scored by this candidate in subject E is 25% more than that of F. He scored 65 marks in the subject C. He scored 436/9 % in the examination and the average of marks scored by him in all the subjects is 218/3.

31. What was the total marks in the examination? A. 600
B. 1200
C. 750
D. 900
E. None of these Correct option is: D
32. What percentage of marks the candidate had scored in the subject E over the maximum marks of that subject?
A. 33.33%
B. 32%
C. 100%
D. 66.66%
E. None of these Correct option is: D

33. The number of marks obtained by the candidate in the subject B was how much less than in the subject D?
A. 29
B. 23
C. 19
D. 27
E. None of these Correct option is: B
34. What was the average of marks obtained by the candidate in the subject E and F together?
A. 90
B. 80
C. 85
D. 100
E. None of these Correct option is: A
35. The number of marks obtained by the candidate in the subject C was how much percentage less than that of subject E?
A. 45%
B. 40%
C. 65%
D. 35%
E. None of these Correct option is: D
Let the marks scored by the candidate in the subject F = 10x then

The marks scored by the candidate in the subject A = 80% of 10x = 8x

The ratio of marks scored in B to that in C is 4 : 5 and that D to E is 3 : 4. The number of marks scored by the candidate in E is 25% more than that of F

In E, the marks obtained = 125% of 10x = 25x = 4a

Then, the marks obtained in D = 3 × 25 = 75x
2 × 4 8

The marks obtained in C = 5y = 65

The marks obtained in B = 4y = 65 × 4 = 52

According to the question,

A + B + C + D + E + F = 218 × 6

8x + 52 + 65 + 75x + 25x + 10x = 436
8 2

8x + 75x + 25x + 10x= 436 – 52 – 65 = 319
8 2

(64x + 75x + 100x + 80x) = 319 × 8

x = 8

The total marks = z then 48 4 % of z = 436

By solving, z = 436 × 900 = 900

Directions (36 – 40): Study the following information and answer the questions that follow:
In a bilateral cricket series between India and Australia, the probability that India wins the first game is 0.4. If India wins any game, the probability that it wins the next game is 0.3; otherwise the probability is 0.2.

36. Find the probability that India wins the first two games. A. 0.08

B. 0.32
C. 0.18
D. 0.12
E. None of these

Correct option is: D Solution:
P(Win first game)* P(Win second game)= 0.4*0.3=0.12

37. Find the probability that India wins at least one of the first two games. A. 0.48
B. 0.32
C. 0.56
D. 0.52
E. 0.58

Correct option is: D Solution:
P(won at least 1 game)= 1- P(won no games)
=1- [P(lost 1st game)*P(lost second game)]
=1- [(1-0.4)*(1-0.2)]
in the second bracket because after losing the first game the probability of wining the second match is 0.2. So 1-0.2 is the probability of losing that game too.

38. Find the probability that India wins the first three games. A. 0.028
B. 0.030
C. 0.032
D. 0.036
E. 0.044

Correct option is: D Solution:
0.4*0.3*0.3= 0.036

39. Find the probability that India wins exactly one of the first three matches. A. 0.416
B. 0.396
C. 0.096
D. 0.404

E. 0.214

Correct option is: D Solution:
This problem can be solved in three parts
Part 1- India wins first game and loses second and third part 2= Lose + Win + Lose
Part 3= Lose + Lose+ Win
P (Part 1)= India wins first game * India loses second game* India loses third game
= 0.4 * (1-0.3)* (1-0.2)= 0.4*0.7*0.8 = 0.224
P (Part2)= India loses first game * Wins second game * Loses third game
= (1-0.4)* 0.2 * (1-0.3)= 0.6*0.2*0.7= 0.084
P (Part 3)= L*L*W = (1-0.4)* (1-0.2) * 0.2= 0.6*0.8*0.2= 0.096
P= P1+P2+P3= 0.404

40. Find the probability that India wins exactly one of the first two games. A. 0.20
B. 0.40
C. 0.44
D. 0.36
E. 0.28

Correct option is: B Solution:
Part 1= Won first * Lost Second= 0.4* (1-0.3)= 0.4*0.7=0.28 Part 2= Lost First* Won second = (1-0.4)*0.2= 0.6*0.2=0.12 P= 0.28+0.12=0.40

Directions (41 – 45): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

In an Island called Nucolar, only two tribes Bhainaa and Koliya lives. The population of Bhainaa is 50% more than that of Koliya. In the island, the ratio of males to females is 11 : 9 and in Koliya tribe the number of females is 40% less than that of male population and in Bhainaa tribe, the male populations are equal to that of female populations. The total number of female populations in Koliya tribe is 1200.

41. What is the ratio of the total population of the island to the total male populations of the Bhainaa tribe?
A. 5 : 2
B. 10 : 3
C. 15 : 7
D. 12 : 5
E. None of these Correct option is: B
42. What is the total number of male populations in the island? A. 4200
B. 4400
C. 4600
D. 4500
E. None of these Correct option is: B
43. In the island, the total number male populations are how much more than that of female population?
A. 600
B. 1000
C. 1200
D. 800
E. None of these Correct option is: D
44. 20% of the total population of the island are below eighteen then total how many of people are above eighteen?
A. 8000
B. 6400
C. 5600
D. 7200
E. None of these Correct option is: B

45. The total number of female population in Bhainaa tribe is how much percentage more than that of Koliya tribe?
A. 200%
B. 250%
C. 150%
D. 50%
E. 100%
Correct option is: E Solution:
Let the population of Koliya = 2x then the ppulatin of Bhainaa = 150% of 2x = 3x
……… (i)

Let the number of males = 11a then the number of females = 9a (ii)

In Koliya tribe, let the number of male = 5b then the number of female = (100 – 40)% of 5b = 60% of 5b = 3b = 1200

b = 400

Then x = 1600


In Bhainaa tribe, the male population = c = the number of female populations

= 4800 = 2400

From the equation (ii)
The number of males = 11 × 8000 = 4400

The number of female populations = 9 × 8000 = 3600

Directions (46 – 50): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

A father divided his property between two sons A and B and one daughter C. The person has Rs. 80000 in cash, Rs. 5 lakhs as land and Rs. 6 lakhs as gold. He gave half of the gold to his daughter and remaining gold divided between sons in equal proportion. He gave only 20% of total land to his daughter and divided the remaining land between sons A and B in the ratio of 3 : 1 respectively on the condition that the child who received highest share of land will give Rs. 2500 per month to his father. He gave 75% of the total cash amount to his daughter and remaining cash amount was divided between sons in equal proportion.

46. How much total property (in cash, land and Gold together) did C get?
A. Rs. 4.9 lakhs
B. Rs. 4.6 lakhs
C. Rs. 4.7 lakhs
D. Rs. 4.8 lakhs
E. None of these Correct option is: B
47. The share of son A in total property was how much more than that of son B in total property?
A. Rs. 2 lakhs
B. Rs. 2.1 lakhs
C. Rs. 1.9 lakhs
D. Rs. 2.2 lakhs
E. None of these Correct option is: A
48. After dividing the property, the father had lived for another 10 years, then the son who had received the highest share of land was left with how much total property after 10years ?
A. Rs. 2.6 lakhs
B. Rs. 1.4 lakhs
C. Rs. 1.65 lakhs
D. Rs. 1.6 lakhs
E. None of these

Correct option is: D

49. The share of land received by Son A was how much percentage more than that by daughter C?
A. 300%
B. 200%
C. 150%
D. 100%
E. None of these Correct option is: B
50. What was the respective ratio of the total property received by son A and that by son B?
A. 21 : 11
B. 2 : 1
C. 25 : 13
D. 23 : 13
E. None of these
Correct option is: D Solution:
The total share of daughter = half of gold + 20% of land + 75% of cash amount

= 6 lakhs + 20% of 5 lakhs + 75% of 80 thousand

= 3 lakhs + 1 lakhs + 60 thousand = 4 lakhs 60 thousand Remaining Gold = 6 lakhs – 3 lakhs = 3 lakhs Remaining Land = 5 lakhs – 1 lakhs = 4 lakhs Remaining Cash = 80000 – 60000 = 20000
The share of son A = (1/2) of remaining gold + (3/4) of remaining land + (1/2) of remaining cash

= 1.5 lakhs + 3 lakhs + 10 thousand = 4.6 lakhs

The share of son B = (1/2) of remaining gold + (1/4) of remaining land + (1/2) of remaining cash

= 1.5 lakhs + 1 lakhs + 10 thousand = 2.6 lakhs

Directions (51 – 55):Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

Chaman and Baman together bought 4 acres of agriculture land in the ratio of 5: 3 in the year 2015 and started cultivating wheat in the year 2016. In that year, Chaman being an elder brother gave 50 tons of wheat which was 8% of his total production of that year to Baman, now Baman’s total wheat quantity was increased by 25%. In the year 2017, Baman’s total wheat production was doubled over the previous year so he returned 10% of his total wheat produced quantity to Chaman now, after receiving from Baman, Chaman’s total wheat quantity was increased by 200/3 %. In the year 2018, both of them had produced an equal quantity of wheat

wheat he had produced in the previous year.

51. What is the total quantity (in ton) of wheat produced by Chaman in the year 2018?
A. 100
B. 120
C. 80
D. 75
E. None of these

Correct option is: D Solution:
In 2016, 8% of Chaman’s total production = 50 tons

Total production = 50 × 100 = 625 tons

Let the Baman’s total production = x tons then 25% of x= 50
x = 50 × 100

x = 200 tons

In 2017,

Baman’s total production = 2 × 200 = 400 tons 10% of 400 = 40 tons he returned to Chaman
Let Chaman’s total production = y then (200/3)% of y = 40

2y = 40

y = 60 tons = Chaman’s total production of wheat in 2017

production of wheat for Baman in the year 2018

52. What was the percentage decrease in Baman’s production of wheat in the year 2018 over the previous year?
A. 87.5%
B. 42.5%
C. 56.5%
D. 81.50%
E. 81.25%

Correct option is: E Solution:
Total quantity (in ton) of wheat produced by Baman in the year 2018 = 75 tons Total quantity (in ton) of wheat produced by Baman in the year 2017 = 400 tons
The reqd. % increase = (400 – 75) × 100 = 325 = 81.25%
400 4

53. What quantity of total wheat did Baman produce in the year 2017 and 2018 together?
A. 525 tons
B. 475 tons
C. 550 tons

D. 575 tons
E. None of these Correct option is: B
54. What is the difference between the total quantity of wheat produced by Chaman in the given three periods to that by Baman in the given three periods?
A. 95 tons
B. 125 tons
C. 85 tons
D. 75 tons
E. None of these Correct option is: C
55. In the year 2016, what was the ratio of average production of wheat per acre for Chaman to the average production of wheat per acre for Baman?
A. 25 : 8
B. 5 : 2
C. 15 : 8
D. 3 : 2
E. None of these Correct option is: C
Directions (56 – 60): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

A person went to market with Rs. 750. He purchased x kg apples, 4 kg bananas and 6 kg mangoes. After purchasing, he was left with Rs. 50 in his pocket. When he calculated, he found that the amount spent to purchase apples was equal to the amount spent to purchase mangoes, the amount spent to purchase bananas was one third of the amount spent to purchase apples and the total quantity of apples purchased by him was half of the total quantity of bananas and mangoes together purchased by him.

56. What is the ratio of price per kg of apples to price per kg of banana? A. 4 : 1
B. 5 : 3
C. 12 : 5

D. 24 : 13
E. None of these

Correct option is: C Solution:
Common explanation :

The total money spent = Rs. (750 – 50) = Rs. 700

Let the price of apples per kg = Rs. a, price of banana per kg = Rs. b, price of mangoes per kg = Rs. c

Then, according to the question, x × a + 4 × b + 6 × c = 700

The amount spent to purchase apples was equal to the amount spent to purchase mangoes

then, xa = 6c, a : c = 6 : x

x = 6 + 4 = 10 = 5 kg
2 2

The amount spent to purchase bananas was one third of the amount spent to purchase apples

4b = 1 × xa = 1 × 6c
3 3

4b = 2c

b : c = 1 : 2 (ii)

a : b : c = 60 : 25 : 50

Let the price per kg of apple = Rs. 60p, then price of banana per kg = Rs. 25p and

price of mangoes per kg = Rs. 50p x × a + 4 × b + 6 × c = 700
5a + 4b + 6c = 700

5 × 60p + 4 × 25p + 6 × 50p = 700

300p + 100p + 300p = 700p = 700

p = 1

It means, the price per kg of apple = Rs. 60p = Rs. 60

Price per kg of banana = Rs. 25p = Rs. 25 andprice per kg of mangoes = Rs. 50p = Rs. 50

57. How much money did he spend to purchase mangoes?
A. Rs. 240
B. Rs. 300
C. Rs. 324
D. Rs. 306
E. None of these

Correct option is: B Solution:
The total he spends to purchase mangoes = 6c = 6 × 50 = 300
58. If he purchases two kg mangoes, 1 kg apples, and 2 kg banana then how much money will he left with in his pocket?
A. Rs. 210
B. Rs. 580
C. Rs. 540
D. Rs. 520
E. None of these

Correct option is: C Solution:
The price of two kg mangoes, 1 kg apples, and 2 kg banana = 2 × 50 + 1 × 60 + 2 × 25 = 100 + 60 + 50 = 210

The required difference = 750 – 210 = 540

59. How many kg of apples did he purchase?
A. 5
B. 4
C. 6
D. 3
E. None of these Correct option is: A

60. If he purchases less quantity (in kg) of mangoes and the quantity of apples and bananas purchased remains same then he was left with 33.33% of the total amount. How many kg of total fruits did he purchase?
A. 10 Kg
B. 11 Kg
C. 9 Kg
D. 12 Kg
E. None of these

Correct option is: B Solution:
33.33% of 750 = Rs. 250

It means, he spent Rs. (750 – 250) = Rs. 500 he purchases less quantity (in kg) of mangoes the price of mangoes = Rs. 50 per kg
He spent Rs. 300 for buying apples and Rs. 100 for buying bananas. So he purchased mangoes worth Rs. 100

So he purchased 2 kg mangoes.

The total quantity of fruits he purchased = 5 + 4 + 2 = 11 kg

Directions (61 – 65): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

In an annual examination of 12th board consisting only three subjects, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics 400 students appeared from a college.

400 students had passed in chemistry, 360 students had passed in physics, and 375 students had passed in mathematics. 80% of the total number of students had passed in all the three subjects. All those except 40 students, who had passed in mathematics also passed in physics and all those except 30 students, who had passed in physics also passed in chemistry. 85% of the total number of students who had passed in chemistry also passed in mathematics.

61. How many of students had passed only in chemistry?
A. 20
B. 50
C. 60
D. 100
E. None of these

Correct option is: B Solution :
Common Explanation:

b = 375 – 320 – 40 = 15 = Passed only in Physics and Mathematics c = 85% of 400 – 320 = 340 – 320 = 20
a = 360 – 320 – 30 = 10

d = 360 – a – b – 320 = 360 – 10 – 15 – 320 = 15

f = 400 – a – c – 320 = 400 – 10 – 20 – 320 = 50

e = 375 – 320 – b – c = 375 – 320 – 15 – 20 = 20

62. Find the sum of all the students who had passed in only two subjects?
A. 55
B. 50
C. 45
D. 60
E. None of these

Correct option is: C Solution:
b + c + a = 15 + 20 + 10 = 45

63. The number of students who had passed only in Mathematics is what percent of the number of students who had passed only in Physics and Chemistry?
A. 200%
B. 50%
C. 150%
D. 250%
E. None of these

Correct option is: A Solution:
The number of students who had passed only in Mathematics = e = 20

the number of students who had passed only in Physics and Chemistry = a = 10

Reqd. % = 20 × 100 = 200%

64. Find the ratio of the number of students who had passed in chemistry to the number of students who had passed in physics and mathematics both?
A. 5 : 4.4
B. 80 : 67
C. 100 : 97
D. 5 : 4
E. None of these Correct option is: B

The required ratio = 400 : (15 + 320) = 400 : 335 = 80 : 67
65. The number of students who had passed in all the three subjects is how many times of the sum of all the students who had passed in exactly two subjects?
A. 71 times

B. 82 times

C. 72 times

D. 74 times

E. None of these

Correct option is: A Solution:
The sum of all the students who had passed in exactly two subjects = b + c + a = 15
+ 20 + 10 = 45

The number of students who had passed in all the three subjects = 320

Reqd. answer = 320 = 64
45 9

= 1 times

Directions (66 – 70): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

TATA Motors (A Car manufacturing company) manufactured only two brands of cars A and B in the year 2016. In the year 2017, it introduced a new brand of car C. The number of cars of brands A and that of brand B manufactured in the year 2016 was in the ratio of 4: 5 respectively. The number of cars of brand A manufactured in the year 2016 to that in the year 2017 was in the ratio of 3: 2 and the number of cars of brand B manufactured in the year 2016 to that in the year 2017 was in the ratio of 3: 4. Further, the total number of cars manufactured in the year 2017 of brand C forms 30% of the total number of cars manufactured in the year 2017.

66. In the year 2016, total 1800 cars of brand A was manufactured then find the total number of cars of brand C manufactured in the year 2017?

A. 2100
B. 1800
C. 2700
D. 2400
E. None of these

Correct option is : B Solution:
Common explanation:

Let in the year 2016, The total number of cars of brand A manufactured = 4x then the total number of cars of brand B manufactured in that year = 5x

Let in the year 2017, total number of cars manufactured of brand A = P and that of brand B = Q then according to the question

4x : P = 3 : 2

8x = 3P
P = 8x

For the brand B, 5x : Q = 3 : 4
20x = 3Q
Q = 20x

= total number of cars manufactured of brand B in the year 2017 Following common explanation, we get

In the year 2016, The total number of cars of brand A manufactured = 4x = 1800

x = 1800 = 450

The total number of cars manufactured of brand A and B in the year 2017

= 8x + 20x = 28x = 28 × 450 = 4200
3 3 3 3

Let the total number of cars manufactured of brand C in the year 2017 = c then c = 30% of (4200 + c)
100c = 30 × 4200 + 30c

70c = 30 × 4200

c = 30 × 60 = 1800

67. What is the percentage increase in the total number of cars of all the brands manufactured in the year 2017 when compared to the total number of cars of both the brands manufactured in the year 2016? (approximately)
A. 45%
B. 52%
C. 48%
D. 56%
E. None of these

Correct option is : C solution:
Following common explanation, we get

The total number of cars of all the brands manufactured in the year 2017

= 8x + 20x + c = 28x + c
3 3 3

where c = total number of cars manufactured of brand C in the year 2017 28x
c = 30% of ( 3 + c)

100c – 30c = 70c = 30 × 28x

c = 12x

the total number of cars of all the brands manufactured in the year 2017
= 8x + 20x + c = 28x + 12x = 40x
3 3 3 3 3

the total number of cars of all the brands manufactured in the year 2016 = 4x + 5x
= 9x the required percentage increase (40x – 9x)
= 3 × 100 = 13 × 100 = 1300 = 48.15% approximately
9x 27 27

68. In the next year i.e. in the year 2018, TATA Motors wants to increase its car manufacturing capacity by 25% compared to the previous year but it doesn’t want to make any changes in the number of cars manufactured in the previous year of any brands therefore it introduced a new brand D. Suppose TATA Motors had manufactured total number of 900 cars of brand C in the year 2017 , then in the year 2018 how many cars of brand D should it manufacture?
A. 825
B. 775
C. 725
D. 850
E. 750

Correct option is : E Solution:
Following common explanation, we get

The total number of cars of all the brands manufactured in the year 2017

= 8x + 20x + c = 28x + c
3 3 3
where c = total number of cars manufactured of brand C in the year 2017
= 30% of ( 28x + c )

100c – 30c = 70c = 30 × 28x
c = 12x = 900

x = 900 = 225

the total number of cars of all the brands manufactured in the year 2017
= 8x + 20x + c = 28x + 12x = 40x = 40 × 225 = 3000
3 3 3 3 3 3

In the next year i.e. in the year 2018, TATA Motors wants to increase its car manufacturing capacity by 25% compare to the previous year

Therefore, in the year 2018, the total number of cars it will manufacture = 125% of 3000 = 3750

It doesn’t make a changes in any brand therefore the total number of brand D cars it will manufacture = 3750 – 3000 = 750

69. If in the year 2017, total 7000 cars were manufactured but the total number of cars manufactured in the year 2017 of brand C forms only 4% instead of 30% then find total how many cars of brand A were manufactured in the years 2016 and 2017 together?
A. 5200
B. 4200
C. 4650
D. 4800
E. None of these

Correct option is : D Solution :
Following common explanation, we get

The total number of cars of brands C manufactured in the year 2017 = 4% of 7000
= 280

The total number of cars manufactured of brand A and B in the year 2017

= 8x + 20x = 28x = 7000 – 280 = 6720
3 3 3

x = 6720 × 3 = 240 × 3 = 720

total cars of brand A manufactured in the years 2016 and 2017 together

= 4x + 8x = 20x = 20 × 720 = 4800
3 3 3

70. If in the year 2017, 900 cars of brand B was manufactured then find the sum of the total number of cars of all the brands manufactured in the year 2016 and 2017 together?
A. 2995
B. 3015
C. 3250
D. 2775
E. None of these

Correct option is : B Solution:
Following common explanation, we get

20x = 900

x = 45 × 3 = 135

the total number of cars of all the brands manufactured in the year 2017

= 8x + 20x + c = 28x + 12x = 40x
3 3 3 3 3

the total number of cars of all the brands manufactured in the year 2016 = 4x + 5x
= 9x

The reqd. sum = 9x + 40x = 67x = 67 × 135 = 45 × 67 = 3015
3 3 3

Directions (71 – 75): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside:

At a place there are 1200 followers of three BABAs – Baba1, Baba2 and Baba3, the number of male followers and the number of female followers are in the ratio of 7 : 5. Each follower follows at least one of these Babas. 10% of male followers follow Baba1 only, 20% follow Baba2 only and 12% follow Baba3 only. 10% follow only Baba1 and Baba3. 18% follow only Baba3 and Baba2 and 20% follow only Baba1 and Baba2. The remaining male followers follow all the Babas. 18% of female followers follow Baba1 only. 10% follow only Baba2 only and 12% follow Baba3 only. 20% follow only Baba1 and Baba3, 12% follow only Baba3 and Baba2 and 8% follow only Baba1 and Baba2. The remaining female followers follow all three Babas.

71. What is the ratio of the number of male followers who follow Baba2 to the number of female followers who follow Baba1?
A. 238 : 165
B. 231 : 161
C. 170 : 61
D. 7 : 5
E. None of these

Correct option is : A Solution:
Common Explanation:

And the given ratio of Male to Female = 7 : 5, Therefore, man will be 700 and female will be 500.

Baba Male Followers (700) Female Followers (500)
Only Baba1 10% of 700 = 70 18% of 500 = 90
Only Baba 2 20% of 700 = 140 10% of 500 = 50

Only Baba 3 12% of 700 = 84 12% of 500 = 60
Only Baba1 and Baba3 10% of 700 = 70 20% of 500 = 100
Only Baba3 and Baba2 18% of 700 = 126 12% of 500 = 60
Only Baba1 and Baba2 20% of 700 = 140 8% of 500 = 40
All the Babas 700 – (70+140+84+126+70+140)
= 70 500 – (90+50+60+100+60+40)
= 100

Following the common explanation, we get

The number of male followers who follow Baba2 = 140 + 126 + 140 + 70 = 476

∴ Reqd ratio = 476 = 238
= 238 : 165
330 165

72. The total number of male followers following less than two Babas is what percent of the total number of female followers following more than one Baba?
A. 50
B. 79
C. 98
D. 662
E. Other than the given options

Correct option is : C Solution:
Following the common explanation, we get

The number of male followers who follow less than two Babas = 70 + 140 + 84 = 294

Total number female followers who follow more than one Baba = 60 + 100 + 40 +

100 = 300

∴ Reqd% = 294 × 100 = 98%

73. What is the ratio of the total number of female followers who follow all the Babas to the total number of male followers who follow all three Babas?
A. 10 : 7
B. 25 : 9
C. 29 : 14
D. 14 : 5
E. 14 : 9

Correct option is : A Solution:
Following the common explanation, we get

74. The number of female followers following Baba3 only is approximately what per cent less than the number of male followers following Baba1 only?
A. 68
B. 14
C. 80
D. 42
E. None of these
Correct option is : B Solution:
Following the common explanation, we get

The total number of female followers following only Baba3 = 60 And the total number of male followers following Baba1 only = 70

Reqd% = 70 – 60 × 100 = 1000 ≈ 14%
70 70

75. The number of male followers following only Baba2 is what per cent of the number of female followers who follow only Baba3 and only Baba1?
A. 982 %

B. 931 %

C. 661 %

D. 971 %

E. 831 %

Correct option is : B Solution:
Following the common explanation, we get

And, the total number female followers who follow only Baba3 and only Baba1 = 60 and 90

Reqd% = 140 × 100 = 14000
60 + 90 150

≈ 93 %

Directions (76 – 80): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

Three friends Seeta, Reeta and Geeta spends 12%, 14% and 16% of their monthly salary on travelling in the given order and each of them save half of the remaining amount. The monthly salary of Seeta and Geeta is same and the monthly saving of Seeta is Rs. 360 more than that of Geeta. The total expenditures of Seeta and Reeta together on travelling is Rs. 1240 more than that of Geeta.

76. What is the monthly expenditure of Seeta and Reeta together on travelling? A. Rs. 4240
B. Rs. 4120
C. Rs. 4120
D. Rs. 4480
E. None of these

Correct option is : B Solution:
Common explanation :

Let the monthly salary of Seeta = Rs. 100x

Remaining = Rs. (100x – 12x) = Rs. 88x

Saving = 88x = Rs. 44x
Reeta’s month salary = Rs. 100y


The monthly salary of Geeta = The monthly salary of Seeta = Rs. 100x The monthly expenditures of Geeta on travelling = 16% of 100x = Rs. 16x Remaining = Rs.(100x – 16x) = Rs. 84x
Saving = 84x = Rs. 42x

The monthly salary of Seeta and Geeta are same and the monthly saving of Seeta is Rs. 360 more than that of Geeta

44x – 42x = 2x = 360

x = 180

The total expenditures of Seeta and Reeta together on travelling is Rs. 1240 more than that of Geeta.

12x + 14y = 16x + 1240

14y = 4x + 1240 = 720 + 1240 = 1960

y = 140

Following common explanation, we get

The monthly expenditure of Seeta and Reeta together on travelling = Rs. (12x + 14y) = Rs. (12 × 180 + 14 × 140)

= Rs. (2160 + 1960) = Rs. 4120

77. The monthly salary of Reeta is how much more than/less than that of Seeta?
A. Rs. 0
B. Rs. 3000 more
C. Rs. 4000 more
D. Rs. 3000 less
E. Rs. 4000 less

Correct option is : E Solution:
Following common explanation, we get

The monthly salary of Reeta = Rs. 100y = Rs. 14000 The monthly salary of Seeta = Rs. 100x = Rs. 18000
The required answer = Rs. (14000 – 18000) = 4000 less than that of Seeta

78. What is the sum of the saving of all the three friends together? A. Rs. 21500
B. Rs. 22480
C. Rs. 24000

D. Rs. 20800
E. None of these

Correct option is : A Solution:
Following common explanation, we get

The required sum = Rs. (44x + 43y + 42x) = Rs. (86x + 43y) = Rs. (86 × 180 + 43
× 140) = Rs. (15480 + 6020) = Rs. 21500

79. The total monthly saving of three friends together is what percentage of their total monthly salary?
A. 42%
B. 44%
C. 41%
D. 43%
E. None of these

Correct option is : D Solution:
Following common explanation, we get

Their total monthly salary = Rs. (100x + 100y + 100x) = Rs. (200x + 100y) = Rs. (36000 + 14000) = Rs. 50000

Total monthly saving = Rs. (44x + 43y + 42x) = Rs. (86x + 43y) = Rs. (86 × 180 + 43 × 140) = Rs. (15480 + 6020) = Rs. 21500

The reqd. answer = 21500 × 100 = 43%
80. By how much should Seeta’s monthly salary be increased so the monthly expenditures of Seeta on travelling will become equal to that of Geeta?
A. Rs. 4000
B. Rs. 6000
C. Rs. 8000
D. Rs. 3600
E. None of these Correct option is : B

Following common explanation, we get

The monthly expenditures of Seeta = Rs. 12X = Rs. 12 × 180 = Rs. 2160 The monthly expenditures of Geeta = Rs. 16X = Rs. 180 × 16 = Rs. 2880 Let the monthly salary of Seeta was increased by a% then
12% of [(100 + a)% of 18000] = 2880

12% of [18000 + a × 180] = 2880

2160 + 21.6a = 2880

21.6a = 720

a = 7200 % = 33.33%

Directions (81 – 85): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

Virat kohli scored runs against different countries in three different years. NOTE: Total runs scored in a year= Australia + England + Others
2015: The total runs scored in 2015 were 1200. The runs scored against England were 1/3rd of the runs against Others in 2016. The average runs scored against Australia and England was 300.

2016: The total runs scored against Australia and Others was 1200. The ratio of the total runs scored against Others in 2015 to that of the total runs scored against Others in 2016 is 4:3. The total runs scored against England in 2016 were equal to the total runs scored against England in 2017.

2017: The sum of the total runs scored against Australia and England is equal to the total runs scored against Others. The total runs scored in 2017 were 1400. The total runs scored against Australia were twice of the runs scored against England in 2015.

81. What were the total runs scored in 2016? A. 1100
B. 1500
C. 1600
D. 1400
E. 1000
Correct option is : C Solution:


The ratio of the total runs scored against Others in 2015 to that of the total runs scored against Others in 2016 is 4 : 3.

So the total runs against Others in 2016

= 600 × 3 = 450

The total runs scored against Australia and Others = 1200 The total runs scored against Australia = 1200 – 450 = 750 2017:

The total runs scored in 2017 were 1400.

The sum of the total runs scored against Australia and England is equal to the total runs scored against Others. It means the total runs scored against Others were is half i.e 700 runs and the sum of the total runs scored against Australia and England was 700.

Years Australia England Others
(1200) 600
2016 750 450
(1400) 700


The runs scored against England were 1/3rd of the runs against Others in 2016.




The total runs scored against Australia were twice of the runs scored against England in 2015.

The total runs scored against Australia = 150 × 2= 300 The total runs scored against England = 700 – 300=400 2016:
The total runs scored against England in 2016 were equal to the total runs scored against England in 2017.

The total runs scored against England = 400

Years Australia England Others
2015 (1200) 450 150 600
2016 (1600) 750 400 450
2017 (1400) 300 400 700
The total runs scored in 2016 were 1600.

82. What is the sum of the runs scored against England in all three years? A. 800
B. 950
C. 850
D. 1050
E. 1100

Correct option is : B

83. What is the ratio of the total runs scored against Australia in 2015 to that of the total runs scored against England in 2017?
A. 7 : 9
B. 9 : 7
C. 11 : 7
D. 9 : 8
E. 11 : 13

Correct option is : D

84. What is the difference between the total runs scored against Others in 2015 to the total runs scored against Others in 2016?
A. 150
B. 200
C. 100
D. 300
E. 250

Correct option is : A

85. The total runs scored against Australia in 2016 is what percentage of the total runs scored against Australia in 2017?
A. 125%
B. 100%
C. 150%

D. 200%
E. 250%

Correct option is : E

Directions (86 – 90): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

Ram goes to a hill station by car. While going upwards (uphill) the consumption of petrol was increased by 25% of the normal consumption of petrol but while going downwards (downhill) the consumption of petrol was decreased by 50% of the normal consumption of petrol. He goes from the point A to the point B. The total distance between point A and point B is 525 km in which the total distance travelled by him uphill is 2.5 times of the total distance travelled by him downhill and the total distance travelled by him on the plane surface is 140 km. While coming back from the point B to point A, he saves 15 litres of petrol and the consumption of petrol is normal on plane surface.

86. What is the mileage of the car on downhill?
A. 1 litre per 10 kilometers
B. 1 litre per 15 kilometers
C. 1 litre per 17.5 kilometers
D. 1 litre per 15.5 kilometers
E. 1 litre per 16.5 kilometres

Correct option is :E Solution:
Common explanation :

Let the normal consumption of petrol = 4x litres per kilometre

While going Uphill, consumption of petrol = 5x litres per km (While going upwards (uphill) the consumption of petrol was increased by 25% of the normal consumption of petrol)

While going downhill, consumption of petrol = 2x litres per kilometre (while going downwards (downhill) the consumption of petrol was decreased by 50% of the normal consumption of petrol)

The total distance between A and B = 525 KM

Let the total distance travelled by him downhill = d km then, the total distance travelled by him uphill = 2.5d km

According to the question, 2.5d + d + 140 = 525
By solving, d = 385 = 110 km

Total uphill distance = 110 × 2.5 = 275 km Total downhill distance = 110 km
While going from the Point A to point B, the car will consume total petrol of


The total consumption of petrol while coming back from the point B to point A = 2X × 275 + 5X × 110 + 4X × 140 = 1660x litres (II)

According to the question, while coming back from the point B to point A, he saves 7 litres of petrol

It means, 2155x – 1660x = 15 litres

x = 15 = 1
495 33

2x litre per kilometre = 2 litre per kilometre
= 1 litre per 16.5 kilometres

87. If point A to point B were a plane surface then how many litres of petrol he would have consumed more while going and coming back?
A. 12 litres
B. 18.33 litres
C. 15.33 litres
D. 11.67 litres
E. 12.67 litres
Correct option is : D Solution:
The total petrol consumption while going and coming back

= 2155 + 1660 = 3815 litres
33 33 33





1050 km = 1050 × 4
litre = 4200
33 33

Reqd. difference = 4200 – 3815 = 385 litres = 11.67 litres
33 33 33

88. The quantity (in litres) of petrol consumed for the entire journey (from point A to point B and from point B to point A) is
A. 114.4 litres
B. 145.2 litres
C. 120.4 litres
D. 110.5 litres
E. 115.6 litres

Correct option is : E Solution:

The total petrol consumption while going and coming back

= 2155 + 1660 = 3815 litres = 115.6 litres
33 33 33

89. If the speed of car is 55 km per hour on the plane surface and while going uphill, the car’s speed was decreased by 25% of the normal speed and while going downhill the car’s speed was increased by 50% of the normal speed then approximately how much time he would have taken during the entire journey? (if he returns immediately from point B to point A)
A. 21.09 hours
B. 19.09 hours
C. 19.90 hours
D. 21.10 hours
E. 21.90 hours

Correct option is : B Solution:
While going from Point A to point B, Distance = 275 km uphill + 110 km downhill + 140 km on the place surface (i)

While coming back from the point B to point A

Distance = 140 km on the plane surface + 110 km uphill + 275 km downhill ——-

The total distance while going and coming back = 280 km on the plane surface + 385 km uphill + 385 km downhill (by adding equation (i) and equation (ii))

On the plane surface, the speed of car = 55 km per hr

On uphill, the speed of the car = 75% of 55 = 41.25 km per hour

On downhill, the speed of the car = 150% of 55 = 82.50 km per hour

The total time taken = 280 + 385 + 385
55 41.25 82.50

= 5.09 + 9.33 + 4.67 = 19.09 hours approximately

90. What is the difference between the mileage of car on downhill and that on uphill?
A. 1 litres per 33 kilometres
B. 1 litres per 22 kilometres
C. 1 litres per 11 kilometres
D. 1 litres per 9 kilometres
E. 1 litres per 10 kilometres

Correct option is : C Solution:
The required difference = 5x – 2x = 3x = 3/33 = 1/11 litres per kilometres = 1 litres per 11 kilometres

Direction (91 – 95): Answer the following question based on the information given below.

91. In the year 2007, find the number of house-wives affected by malaria?
A. 60
B. 30
C. 50
D. 110
E. 150

Correct option is : B Solution:
In the year 2007, 30% of the population was affected by malaria out of which 10% were house-wives.

∴ The number of house-wives affected by malaria in the year 2007 = 10% of 30% of 1000 = 0.1 × 0.3 × 1000 = 30

92. In the year 2009, find the number of drivers who were not affected by malaria?

A. 110
B. 125
C. 415
D. 190
E. 90

Correct option is : E Solution:
The number of house-wives, students and drivers were in the ratio 20 : 11 : 9 in each year.

Let the common factor be x.

Also, every year 1000 people were surveyed.

∴ 20x + 11x + 9x = 1000

45% of 1000 = 450

Out of the 450 affected people, 30% were drivers. 30% of 450 = 135
Hence, the numbers of drivers who were not affected by malaria in the year 2009 = 225 − 135 = 90

93. What is the difference in the number of students affected and not affected by malaria in the year 2006?
A. 205
B. 35
C. 200
D. 240
E. 420

Correct option is : A Solution:
Total population of students for each year = 275

In the year 2006, the numbers of students affected by malaria = 60% of 40% of 1000 = 0.6 × 0.4 × 1000 = 240 students

∴ The number of students not affected by malaria = 275 − 240 = 35

∴ Difference between the two = 240 − 35 = 205

94. Find the ratio of the number of house-wives affected by malaria in the year 2005 to that affected by malaria in the year 2008.
A. 5 : 3
B. 9 : 4
C. 3 : 2
D. 2 : 1
E. 4 : 3

Correct option is : C Solution:
The number of house-wives affected by malaria in the year 2005 = 10% of 30% of 1000 = 0.1 × 0.3 × 1000 = 30

The number of house-wives affected by malaria in the year 2008 = 10% of 20% of 1000 = 0.1 × 0.2 × 1000 = 20

The required ratio = 30 : 20 = 3 : 2

95. Which year had the maximum number of students not affected by malaria? A. 2005
B. 2006
C. 2007
D. 2008
E. 2009

Correct option is : D Solution:

Total number of students = 275

The number of students affected by malaria in the year 2005 = 60% of 30% of 1000 = 180

∴ The number of students not affected by malaria = 275 − 180 = 95

The number of students affected by malaria in the year 2006 = 60% of 40% of 1000 = 240

∴ The number of students not affected by malaria = 275 − 240 = 35

The number of students affected by malaria in the year 2007 = 60% of 30% of 1000 = 180

∴ The number of students not affected by malaria = 275 − 180 = 95

The number of students affected by malaria in the year 2008 = 60% of 20% of 1000 = 120

∴ The number of students not affected by malaria = 275 − 120 = 155

The number of students affected by malaria in the year 2009 = 60% of 45% of 1000 = 270

∴ The number of students not affected by malaria = 275 − 270 = 5

Thus, 2008 had the maximum number of students not affected by malaria.

Directions (96 – 100): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

Krishna invested some money under 20% per annum simple interest in Axis bank. At the end of one – year, he withdrew all amount from the Axis bank and invested in Bandhan bank at the rate of R % per annum under compound interest compounded annually for two years and received Rs. 57600 as total interest from the Bandhan bank. The first year’s interest at Bandhan bank was Rs. 24000.

96. In starting, how much money had Krishna invested in Axis bank? A. Rs. 60000
B. Rs. 75000

C. Rs. 10000
D. Rs. 50000
E. None of these

Correct option is : D Solution:
Common explanation :

Let the sum of money he invested in Axis bank = 100x then at the end of one year

Amount = 100x × 1 × 20 + 100x= 120x

The CI of 2 years = 57600 The CI of 1 year = 24000
Difference = 57600 – 24000 = 33600

Now, 33600 – 24000 = 9600


24000 × R
= 9600

R = 40% per annum

Following the common explanation, we get

At 40% per annum, 120x gives compound interest of 57600 in two years or Rs. 24000 in one year

CI = P ( 1 + ) – P

120x ( 1 + 40 ) – 120x = 24000

120x × 1.4 – 120x = 24000

168x – 120x = 48x = 24000

x = 24000 = 500

The sum of money he had invested in Axis bank = 100x = 100 × 500 = Rs. 50000

97. Total how much interest did Krishna get from the Axis bank and the Bandhan bank together?
A. Rs. 68600
B. Rs. 67600
C. Rs. 64600
D. Rs. 71200
E. None of these

Correct option is : B Solution:
Following the common explanation, we get

The required sum = 10,000 + 57600 = 67600

98. If the rate of interest was interchanged i.e. Axis bank had offered R% per annum simple interest and Bandhan bank had offered 20% per annum compound interest then how much less money Krishan would have received at the end of 3 years?
A. Rs. 16800
B. Rs. 15800
C. Rs. 14800
D. Rs. 16400
E. None of these Correct option is : A Solution:

Following the common explanation, we get P = 50000
R = 40%

1st year = 40% per annum SI Next 2 years = 20% per annum CI
Amount at the end of 1st year i.e. received from the Axis bank = 50000 + 40% of 50000 = 70000

SI = 70000 – 50000 = 20000

From the Bandhan bank

CI = P ( 1 + ) – P

CI = 70000 (1 + 20 )2

– 70000


CI = 30800

Total interest = 20000 + 30800 = 50800

The interest, Krishna received from Axis bank = 20x = 20 × 500 = 10,000 The interest from Bandhan bank = 57600
The required sum = 10,000 + 57600 = 67600

The required difference = 67600 – 50800 = 16800

99. If Krishan had invested the sum of money only in Axis bank for 3 years under 20% per annum simple interest then at the end of 3 years, total how much simple interest he would have received from the Axis bank?
A. Rs. 25000
B. Rs. 30000

C. Rs. 40000
D. Rs. 20000
E. None of these

Correct option is : B Solution:
Following the common explanation, we get P = 50000
SI at the end of 3 years = 50000 × 20 × 3 = Rs. 30,000

100. If the first year’s interest at Bandhan bank was same as the simple interest received from the Axis bank at the end of 1 year and the rate of interest for the Bandhan bank remained constant then what should be the rate of interest for Axis bank?
A. 40%
B. 50%
C. 662 %

D. 522 %

E. 882 %

Correct option is :C Solution:
Following the common explanation, we get P = 50,000
Let the interest received from the Axis bank = Rs. x then

the first year’s interest at Bandhan bank = 40% of (50000 + x) = x 20000 + 0.4x = x

0.6x = 20000

x = 200000 = 100000
6 3

R = SI × 100
P × T

R = (100000/3) × 100 = 1000 = 200 % = 66 2 %
50000 × 1 15 3

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