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Coding and Decoding Reasoning Questions – Easy Solving Tips check Here!!!


Directions (1 to 5): Read the information carefully and answer the questions given below.

In a certain code language,

‘speak nicely to all’ is coded as “ka cu ma he”

‘all are like us’ is coded as ” si fo he to”

‘teach us lesson nicely’ is coded as ” po ma fo re”

‘lesson like all humans’ is coded as “he re gu si”

  1. What is the code for ‘are’ in the given language?
  • si
  • to
  • fo
  • Either A or B
  • Can’t be determined

Correct option is : B

  1. What would be the code for “humans teach”?
  • gu fo
  • he fo
  • gu po
  • ma re
  • None of these

Correct option is : C

  1. What would be the code for ‘speak to me’?
  • ma ka go
  • lo ma fo
  • re ma ku
  • cu ma pi
  • ka cu lo

Correct option is: E

  1. What would be the code for ‘nicely’?
  • he
  • ma
  • si
  • fo
  • None of these

Correct option is: B

  1. What would be the code for “lesson”?
  • fo
  • re
  • ma
  • he
  • si

Correct option is: B


‘speak nicely to all’ ——-> “ka cu ma he”……………….(1)
‘all are like us’    —-> ” si fo he to”…………………………(2)
‘teach us lesson nicely’ —-> ” po ma fo re”……………..(3)
‘lesson like all humans’ ——-> “he re gu si”…………….(4)


From (1) and (2) we get
all —> he ………(5)

From (1) and (3) we get
nicely —–> ma………(6)

From (2) and (4) we get
like ——-> si …………(7)

From (2) and (3) we get
us —–> fo ……..(8)

From (3) and (4) we get
lesson ——-> re…………(9)

From (1), (5) and (6) we get
speak to ——> ka cu

From (2), (5), (7) and (8) we get
are ——> to

From (3), (6), (8) and (9) we get
teach ——> po

From (4), (5), (7) and (9) we get
humans ——–> gu

DIRECTIONS(6 to 10): Study the following information and answer the questions that follow.

In a certain code language,

‘hope to see you’ is coded as ‘re so na di’,

‘please come to see the party’ is coded as ‘fi gen a di ke zo’,

‘hope to come’ is coded as ‘di so ge’ and

‘see you the party’ is coded as ‘re fi zo na’.

  1. How is ‘please’ coded in the given code language?
  • di
  • ke
  • fi
  • na
  • None of these

Correct option is: B

  1. What does the code ‘so’ stand for in the given code language?
  • hope
  • come
  • see
  • to
  • None of these

Correct option is: A

  1. How is ‘party’ coded in the given code language?
  • Either ‘re’ or ‘fi’
  • Either ‘zo’ or ‘na’
  • Either ‘zo’ or ‘fi’
  • Eighter ‘zo’ or ‘ge’
  • Either ‘ke’ or ‘fi’

Correct option is: C

  1. How will ‘please see you’ be coded in the given code language?
  • re na ke
  • so re na
  • zo re na
  • na di ke
  • ke re ge

Correct option is: A

  1. Which one of the following will be coded as ‘so di re’ in the given code language?
  • you see hope
  • hope you please
  • hope you come
  • the hope to
  • you hope to

Correct option is: E


‘hope to see you’ = ‘re so na di’______(1)

‘please come to see the party’ = ‘fi gen a di ke zo’_____(2)

‘hope to come’ = ‘di so ge’_____(3)

‘see you the party’ = ‘re fi zo na’______(4)

From (1) and (3), hope=so

From (1),(2) and (3), to=di

From (2) and (3), come=ge

From (1) and (4), you=re

From (1),(2) and (4), see= na

From (2) and (4), party the= fi zo

From (2), please=ke

Directions (11 to 15): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

Four friends – Ram, Laxman, Bharat and Shatrughan were having a conversation. They were expressing their thoughts in a coded language.

Ram says, “le po ki ba” when he wants to convey that “friends make life live”. Laxman says, “te ki mo ba” when he wants to convey that “without friends life impossible”. Bharat says, “lo mo se te” when he wants to convey that “without trouble gain impossible”. Shatrughan says, “st ba po lo” when he wants to convey that “life make trouble joy”.


  1. Which of the following is most probably the code for “life gives joy”?
  • st lo ba
  • ba fo st
  • le po st
  • ba fo go
  • go mo po

Correct option is: B

  1. What is the code for “mission impossible”?
  • mo fi
  • te fi
  • fi se
  • Either A or B
  • Either B or C

Correct option is: D

  1. What is the code for “live gain”?
  • le se
  • ki le
  • ki lo
  • lo se
  • None of these

Correct option is: A

  1. What is the code for “life impossible without”?
  • te mo se
  • ba mo te
  • se ki ba
  • ki te ba
  • None of these

Correct option is: B

  1. Which of the following is the code for “life without trouble”?
  • lo te ba
  • la le mo
  • se st po
  • mo lo ba
  • Either option A or D
  • Correct option is: E


Word Code
life Ba
friends Ki
make Po
live Le
trouble Lo
gain Se
joy St
without mo/te
impossible te/mo


Directions (16 to 20): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside.

In the given code language, some statements are coded as follows:

“Travel from the rural area” is coded as ” ta ha ma fa na

“From change the country” is coded as “ga ra ta fa”

“Country change travel rural” is coded as ” ha ga ra ma”

“Area connects country” is coded as ” la ra na”

  1. Which of the following is code for “connects”?
  • ra
  • na
  • ga
  • la
  • None of these

Correct option is: D

  1. Which of the following is code for ” change from area”?
  • la fa na
  • na ga ta
  • fa na ga
  • Either a or b
  • Either b or c

Correct option is: E

  1. Which of the following will be coded as ” la ra ga”?
  • connects change area
  • change from country
  • travel from connects
  • Country connects change
  • None of these

Correct option is: D

  1. Which of the following can be code for ” rural connect country “?
  • na la ra
  • la ta ma
  • ra ha la
  • la ha ma
  • None of these

Correct option is: C

  1. Which of the following is code for ” rural ” ?
  • fa
  • ta
  • ma
  • ha
  • Can’t be determined

Correct option is: E


Country – ra

Travel rural – ha ma

From  the – ta fa

Connects – la

Area – na

Change – ga

DIRECTIONS(21 to 25): Study the following information to answer the given questions.

In a certain code,

‘ze lo ka gi’ is a code for ‘must save some money’,

‘fe ka so ni’ is a coded for ‘he made good moneys,

‘ni lo da so’ is a code for ‘he must be good’ and

‘we so ze da’ is a code for ‘be good save grace’. 

  1. Which of the following is the code of ‘must’?
  • so
  • da
  • lo
  • ni
  • Cannot be determined

Correct option is: C

  1. What does the code ‘ze’ stand for?
  2. Some
  3. Must
  4. Be
  5. Grace
  6. Save

Correct option is: E

  1. Which of the following is the code of ‘good’?
  2. so
  3. we
  4. ze
  5. lo
  6. fe

Correct option is: A

  1. ‘grace of money’ may be coded as
  2. ka da fe
  3. we ka so
  4. ja da we
  5. ka we yo
  6. ja ka ze

Correct option is: D

  1. What does the code ‘ni’ stand for?
  2. He
  3. Be
  4. Grace
  5. Made
  6. None of these

Correct option is: A


From the above given information, we analyse, the following things.

ze lo ka gi ⟶ must save some money …. (i)

fe ka so ni ⟶ he made good money  …(ii)

ni lo da so ⟶ he must be good ….(iii)

we’ so ze da ⟶ be good save grace …. (iv)

From Eqs. (i) and (iii), ‘must’ is common

lo⟶ must

From Eqs. (ii), (iii) and (iv), ‘good’ is

common, good ⟶ so

From Eqs. (i) and (ii), ‘money’ is common

ka⟶  money

From Eqs. (iii) and (iv), ‘be’ is common

da ⟶ be

‘save’ is common in Eqs. (i) and (iv)

ze ⟶ save

From Eqs. (i), it is clear that

gi ⟶ some

From Eqs. (ii) and (iii) ‘he’ is common

ni ⟶ he

From Eqs. (ii), it is clear that

Fe ⟶ made

DIRECTIONS(26 to 30): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow.

In a certain code language, some statements are coded as follow:

‘excellence in technical innovations’ is coded as ‘BN1 JI0 LY2 XS3’

‘revolutionary innovations are often dynamic’ is coded as ‘XS3 TE9 VB9 DS5 SE2’

‘humans promoting values through literature’ is coded as ‘GO9 MI6 WQ3 HL6 AZ4’

‘literature in its broadcast sense’ is coded as ‘AZ4 CU1 PF2 BN1 SL0’

‘values are technical support services’ is coded as ‘DS5 UK8 JI0 OE7 MI6’

  1. Which among the following options cannot be used for getting the code of ‘services?
  • AZ4 PF2 JI0 UK8 BN1
  • JI0 DS5 LY2 VB9 MI6
  • SE2 WQ3 QE7 BN1 CU1
  • UK8 PF2 GO9 XS3 JI0
  • VB9 TE9 OE7 MI6 HL6

Correct option is: B


  1. Which among the following options can be used for getting the code of ‘dynamic’?
  • SE2 G09 UKB TE9 VB9
  • CU1 XS3 LY2 OE7 AZ4
  • LY2 PF2 SL0 DS5 XS3
  • WQ3 BN1 TE9 AZ4 PF2
  • Either (3) or (4)

Correct option is: D

  1. Which among the following options can be used for getting the code of ‘broadcast literature’?
  • JI0 HL6 MI6 SL0 AZ4
  • CU1 SE2 MI6 SL0 JI0
  • AZ4 DS5 UK8 OE7 XS3
  • VB9 GO9 WQ3 LY2 XS3
  • None of these

Correct option is: A

  1. Which among the following options can be used for getting the words for the code ‘UK8 WQ3 MI6’?
  • promoting support often
  • values through innovations
  • support broadcast technical
  • services are values
  • promoting values services

Correct option is: E

  1. Which among the following options can be used for getting the code for in technical through’?
  • JI0 WQ3 HL6 BN1 GO9
  • WQ3 BN1 HL6 JI0 GO9
  • HL6 JI0 PF2 TE9 BN1
  • CU1 VB9 BN1 PF2 JI0
  • LY2 XS3 BN1 JI0 DS5

Correct option is: C

DIRECTIONS(31 to 35): The questions are based on the following information.

In a certain code language, the codes for the letters given in column I are given in column II. Each letter has a unique code. Answer the questions based on the codes.  

  1. What is the code for ‘A’ in the given words?
  2. +
  3. θ
  4. #
  5. @
  6. *

Correct option is: B

32.What is the code for ‘T’ in the given words?

  1. !
  2. &
  3. ?
  4. $
  5. Cannot be determined

Correct option is: E

  1. What can be the code for ‘STIN’ from the given words?
  2. + Ω *?
  3. !*θ+
  4. !*?@
  5. *# Ω!
  6. ?+!#

Correct option is: D

  1. What can be the code for ‘PINK’ from the given words?
  • Ω #$ φ
  • *Ω$©
  • # φ © Ω
  • Either (a) or (c)
  • Ω#*&

Correct option is: D

  1. What can be the word for the code ‘+%>$’ from the given words?
  • DRKL
  • HDKP
  • HSIK
  • DTEA
  • RMIH

Correct option is: A


Directions (36-40) Study the following information to answer the following questions.

In a certain code,

“Yogi became chief minister” is written as “@# %@ #% %#”

“Prime minister is Modi” is written as “%@ #@ $& @%”

“Adithyanath known as Yogi” is written as “&% %& &$ @#”

“Modi is chief of BJP” is written as “%# @% #@ @& &@”

Where codes are group of 2 symbols.

  1. How “Adithyanath is Yogi” possible will be coded?
  • %@ %@ &$
  • &% @% @#
  • &$ %@ @#
  • %@ &@ &$
  • None of these

Correct option is: E

  1. What is code for word “Prime”?
  • #@
  • %@
  • $&
  • Can‟t be determine
  • Either %@ or #@

Correct option is: C

  1. What is code for word “Becomes”?
  • #%
  • %@
  • $&
  • Can‟t be determine
  • Either %@ or #@

Correct option is: A

  1. “%# @% #@” will be code of?
  • Chief of BJP
  • Modi is BJP
  • Modi is chief
  • Can‟t be determine
  • None of these

Correct option is: C

  1. What is code for word “BJP”?
  • #@
  • %@
  • $&
  • Can‟t be determine
  • Either %@ or #@

Correct option is: D

DIRECTIONS(41 to 45): Study the given information carefully to answer the given questions.

In a certain code language,

‘few organic farming techniques’ is written as li gs da cr’

‘fertilizer products few available’ is written as ‘fo pz nb gs’

‘organic waste into fertilizer’ is written as ‘nb cr pt mk’

‘disposal of farming waste’ is written as ‘hu mk li yu’

(all codes are two letter codes only)

  1. What will be the code for ‘few waste’ in the given code language?
  • mk gs
  • gs li
  • pt da
  • da mk
  • other than those given as options

Correct option is: A

  1. What is the code for ‘organic’ in the given code language?
  • ls
  • cr
  • cia
  • pt
  • other than those given as options

Correct option is: B

  1. In the given code language, what does the code ‘yu’ stand for?
  • Farming
  • Techniques
  • Either ‘of’ or ‘disposal’
  • Waste
  • either ‘into’ or ‘few’

Correct option is: C

  1. If ‘waste management techniques’ is coded as.’ax da mk’ in the given code language, then how will ‘farming fertilizer management’ be coded as?
  • ax nb cr
  • li ax pt
  • nb li ax
  • gs li nb
  • other than those given as options

Correct option is: C

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