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Tips and Tricks to Solve Cloze Test – Download PDF!!!

Cloze test

Directions(1 – 5) : Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

Four of the most popular forms ie facebook,twitter,snapchat,instagram of social media ___A____ great damage upon young people’s mental health. These four platforms have a negative effect because they can____B____ children’s and young people’s body image worries, and worsen bullying, sleep problems, anxiety, depression and loneliness. The findings follow growing ____C____among politicians, health bodies, doctors and parents about young people suffering harm as a result of cyberbullying and social media ____D____ feelings of self-loathing and leading them to commit suicide. However, the leader of the UK’s psychiatrists said these findings were too simplistic and they ____E____ blamed social media for the complex reasons why the mental health of so many young people is suffering.

  1. Mark the correct option for blank _(A)_.
  • desecrate
  • impious
  • inflict
  • perpetrating
  • None of the above

Correct option is : C


Option A “desecrate” means ‘treat a sacred place or thing with violent disrespect’ and can be ruled out as it makes the sentence incoherent.

Option B “impious” means ‘non-pious’ and can be eliminated as it is not related to the context of the passage.

Option D “perpetrating” means ‘to commit’ and though it seems to be in sync with the context, its usage makes the sentence grammatically incorrect. Rather ‘perpetrate’ should be used.

Option C “inflict” means ‘cause something unpleasant or painful by someone or something’ and it aptly fits the context and makes the sentence a meaningful one.

  1. Mark the correct option for blank _(B)_.
  • mitigate
  • exacerbate
  • alleviate
  • effectuate
  • None of the above

Correct option is : B


Options A and C “mitigate” and “alleviate” mean ‘make something bad less severe’ and can be eliminated as they have positive connotation and contradict the sentence.

Option D can be ruled out as “effectuate” means ‘put into force or operation’ and is vague in the context of the sentence.

Option B “exacerbate” means ‘make a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling worse’ and is apt as it fits in the blank perfectly. It rightly points at the fact that the social media platforms are worsening the mindset of young people.

  1. Mark the correct option for blank _(C)_.
  • bridle
  • consternate
  • poise
  • concern

Correct option is : D


Option A “bridle” means ‘show one’s resentment or anger’ can be eliminated as its usage renders the sentence incoherent.

Option B “consternate” means ‘to fill someone with anxiety’ and can be eliminated as it makes the sentence grammatically incorrect. Rather, ‘consternation’ should be used.

Option C “poise” means ‘graceful and elegant bearing in a person’ and can be eliminated as it does not lend any meaning to the sentence and is contextual misfit.

Option D “concern” means ‘make someone anxious or worried’ and here it aptly shows that the politicians, doctors, parents were anxious about the wellbeing of young people.

  1. Mark the correct option for blank _(D)_.
  • reinforcing
  • ebbing
  • augment
  • accentuate
  • None of the above

Correct option is : A


The sentence as a whole talks about propagating negative thoughts among youngsters. Thus, the word to be used in the blank should indicate strengthening these thoughts among youngsters.

Option A “reinforcing” means ‘to strengthen and support’ and conforms itself to the explanation above.

Option B “ebbing” means ‘gradually decrease in terms of an emotion or quality’ and can be eliminated as it is contradictory to the meaning expressed in the passage.

Options C and D “augment” and “accentuate” mean ‘making something greater by adding to it or noticeable’ and are not usually used with “feelings”.

  1. Mark the correct option for blank _(E)_.
  • legitimately
  • outlandish
  • unfairly
  • impartially
  • None of the above

Correct option is : C


The sentence hints at various complex reasons for which the social media cannot be held responsible for governing the mental wellbeing of young people.

Option C “unfairly” means ‘in a manner that is not in accordance with the principles of equality and justice’ and aptly fits the context and makes the sentence a meaningful one.

Options A and D “legitimately” and “impartially” mean ‘justly’ and can be ruled out as make the sentence logically incorrect as they have positive connotation.

Option B “outlandish” means ‘looking or sounding bizarre or unfamiliar’ and can be eliminated as it is nowhere related to the context of the passage.

Directions (6-10): Given below is a passage wherein some parts are omitted. Read thoroughly and understand which sentence or phrase fits the blanks.

The Bill has seen serpentine movement, _________(A)__________and then the Lok Sabha in the winter session. Before focusing on the ________(B)___________ which merit deliberation we must take a step _______(C)________. This _______(D)________ and understand the degree of protection which is limitedby ______ (E)___________and revenue interests.

  1. Mark the correct option for blank _(A)_.
  • this is central to several policy
  • the rise of the national security narrative
  • passing expert committees, central ministries
  • there is zero mention of ‘privacy’ or ‘data protection’
  • None of these

Correct option is : C

  1. Mark the correct option for blank _(B)_.
  • the nuances and finer details
  • continuing social churn and widespread citizen protests
  • revolutionary piece of legislation
  • all three organs of the state
  • None of these

Correct option is: A

  1. Mark the correct option for blank _(C)_.
  • Bill is a measure to actualise the fundamental right
  • back to look at the broader politics of personal data protection
  • this was best phrased by the Prime Minister when he stated at the Digital India dinner
  • is not a leaky oil barrel with large exceptions, but it is a perfect one
  • None of these

Correct option is:  B

  1. Mark the correct option for blank _(D)_.
  • draft serves a political economy
  • very preamble it seeks to place the privacy interests of individuals
  • principle of data protection to actualise the fundamental right
  • would help contextualise the legislative proposal
  • None of these

Correct option is: D

  1. Mark the correct option for blank _(E)_.
  • overboard exceptions in favour of security
  • government policy documents that may emphasise or contradict these assertions C. pecking order in terms of viewing both technology and security
  • the attention economy, where platforms gather this data
  • None of these

Correct option is: A

Direction (11 – 20): In the following passage, some of the words / sentences have been left out, each of which is indicated by a letter. Find the suitable word / sentence from the options given against each letter and fill up the blanks with appropriate words / sentences to make the paragraph meaningful.

The layer of ozone helps ___ A ___ the harmful ultraviolet rays away from entering the Earth’s atmosphere. Ozone layer depletion over the years has ___ B ___ in ozone hole formation through which harmful radiations can now enter the atmosphere. Ozone layer depletion has many ___ C ___ effects including cancer risks. These wavelengths can harm plants and animals and also cause skin cancer, sunburn, and cataracts in humans. The problem is very ___ D ___ indeed and has rightly generated global concern. These concerns led to the ___ E ___ of the Montreal Protocol in the year 1987. This protocol bans the production of ozone-depleting chemicals like CFCs and halons. Ozone depletion refers to a steady ___ F ___ in the total amount of ozone present in the Earth’s atmosphere or the ozone layer. It can also be described as a much larger decrease in stratospheric ozone around the polar regions of the Earth. The second phenomenon is termed as the ozone hole. In addition to these stratospheric events, there are also springtime polar tropospheric ozone depletion events. __________ G __________. These compounds enter the stratosphere after being emitted at the surface where these compounds release halogen atoms by a process called photo dissociation. __________ H __________ . The main cause of ozone layer depletion is the indiscriminate use of CFCs, which are chlorine-based substances. These are widely used in several manufacturing plants, refrigerants and aerosols. __________ I __________. Just one atom of chlorine can destroy around 100, 000 molecules of ozone. Wind blows the CFCs up into the stratosphere. Ozone molecules are already unstable. The chlorine atoms in the CFCs react with the ozone molecules, which break down resulting in the formation of an oxygen molecule and a single free-floating oxygen atom. __________ J __________. However, chlorine in other places such as swimming pools does not pose any danger.

  1. Which of the following words should fill in the blank (A) to make a contextually correct and meaningful sentence?
  • Preserve
  • Prevent
  • Pretend
  • Intend
  • Associate

 Correct option is : B

  1. Which of the following words should fill in the blank (B) to make a contextually correct and meaningful sentence?
  2. Restricted
  3. Yielded
  4. Functioned
  5. Resulted
  6. None of the above

 Correct option is : D 

  1. Which of the following words should fill in the blank (C) to make a contextually correct and meaningful sentence?
  2. Estimated
  3. Utility
  4. Negative
  5. Functional
  6. Ensuing

 Correct option is : C

  1. Which of the following words should fill in the blank (D) to make a contextually correct and meaningful sentence?
  2. Grateful
  3. Grave
  4. Gracious
  5. Dreaded
  6. None of the above 

Correct option is : B 

  1. Which of the following words should fill in the blank (E) to make a contextually correct and meaningful sentence?
  2. Fascination
  3. Utilization
  4. Adoption
  5. Adaptation
  6. Fragmentation

 Correct option is : C 

  1. Which of the following words should fill in the blank (F) to make a contextually correct and meaningful sentence?
  2. Reduction
  3. Detention
  4. Accumulation
  5. Ability
  6. Subjection

Correct option is : A

  1. Which of the following words should fill in the blank (G) to make a contextually correct and meaningful sentence?
  2. It should be noted that such substances should not be entertained in day-to-day human life at all so that there is no consequent health issue.
  3. Such substances will result in various diseases for human beings if they are not controlled properly.
  4. Man-made chemicals like solvents, propellants, halocarbon refrigerants, and foam-blowing agents (chlorouorocarbon (CFCs), HCFCs, halons), also called ozonedepleting substances (ODS) are the major causes of the problem.
  5. There are many substances which do not cause any problem but they are treated as harmful substances still.
  6. It should be noted that chemical solvents should be controlled in the atmosphere so that there is no effect on human beings.

Correct option is : C

  1. Which of the following words should fill in the blank (H) to make a contextually correct and meaningful sentence?
  • This causes breakdown of ozone (O3) into oxygen (O2), leading a decrease in the amount of ozone.
  • This is responsible for all the harmful human diseases that can be observed now in human beings.
  • This is responsible for the diculty in managing the various issues of the human life which can be painful as well.
  • This results in the depletion of ozone layer though it can be controlled if certain rules are followed by human beings.
  • Human beings are mainly responsible for any kind of disease that is taking place these days by the depletion of the ozone layer.

Correct option is : A 

  1. Which of the following Part should fill in the blank (I) to make a contextually correct and meaningful sentence?
  • These are man-made substances and hence human beings should suffer from the ill effects of such deeds.
  • Man-made diseases are very dicult to cure since the reasons are mainly related to the habits of human beings.
  • Human beings do not know how to clean the environment and that is why they should not be given the right to live in it.
  • D .When released into the air, these have a very damaging effect on the ozone layer.

Correct option is : D

  1. Which of the following Part should fill in the blank (J) to make a contextually correct and meaningful sentence?
  • It should be kept in mind that chlorine molecules should not be left unattended anywhere without any solvent being attached to it.
  • Utility of any solvent is known when the same is used for everyday purposes and not only for chemical reactions.
  • The chlorine is a powerful solvent and it should be noted that it is a very reactive one also.
  • The chlorine in the atmosphere has immense threat potential
  • Chlorine is harmful but it is also very much inert if used with proper care.

Correct option is : Directions (21-25): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicated by a letter. Find the suitable word from the options given against each number and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make the paragraph meaningfully complete.

Taken out of context, Chagnon might have been (a) ……his own experience studying the Yanomamö people. He faced a monumental task in the South American fieldwork he began in 1964. The Yanomamö language was (b) ……rich, the conditions dangerous.

Yet in studying the Yanomamö, Chagnon elected to conduct not only traditional ethnographic research, but also complex quantitative research. Besides bringing in a shotgun to deal with predators, Chagnon also (c) …… solarpowered computers to his remote research site when they became available.

But Chagnon, in that February 2009 email, wasn’t talking about his own work. He was advising me about mine.

I was trying, as a historian of science, to understand the culture in which Chagnon lived: academic anthropology. Specifically, I was trying to figure out why the American Anthropological Association had put Chagnon on trial from 2001 to 2002 over charges made by the self-styled “anthropological journalist” Patrick Tierney.

In the email he signed “Shaki” — the name the Yanomamö had given him, translating roughly to “pesky bee” — I don’t think Chagnon was suggesting he found me unqualified or potentially lacking in fortitude. I think he was (d) ……acknowledging the challenges I faced.

Much had happened before and after Tierney had first publicly accused Chagnon and the late geneticist James Neel of high crimes and misdemeanors in a New Yorker article published in October 2000. That article (e) ……the book that would emerge soon after, Darkness in El Dorado: How Scientists and Journalists Devastated the Amazon (Norton).


  1. Taken out of context, Chagnon might have been (a) ……his own experience studying the Yanomamö people.
  • extensive
  • describing
  • unpropitious
  • offset
  • None of these

Correct option is : B

  1. The Yanomamö language was (b) ……rich, the conditions dangerous.
  • metaphorically
  • counterpoise
  • determinant
  • prohibitively
  • None of these

Correct option is : A

  1. Besides bringing in a shotgun to deal with predators, Chagnon also (c) ……solar-powered computers to his remote research site when they became available.
  • entail
  • presuppose
  • misinterpretation
  • lugged
  • None of these

Correct option is : D

  1. I think he was (d) ……acknowledging the challenges I faced.
  2. scruple
  3. fidelity
  4. nebulous
  5. explicit
  6. sympathetically

Correct option is : E

  1. That article (e) ……the book that would emerge soon after, Darkness in El Dorado: How Scientists and Journalists Devastated the Amazon (Norton).
  2. excerpted
  3. gainsay
  4. aver
  5. misgiving
  6. None of these

Correct option is : A

DIRECTIONS (26 -30): In the given passage there are blanks, each of which has been indicated by a letter. Against each, 5 words are suggested, one of which fits the blanks appropriately. Find the appropriate word in each case.

The Central Board of Secondary Education faces a serious _(a)_ it’s credibility due to the leak of its annual examination question papers on Economics for Class 12 and Mathematics for Class 10. Thousands of students are naturally frustrated that their best shot at these papers has come to _(b)_; they must now make another_(c)_ effort in a re-examination. Clearly, the Ministry of Human Resource Development failed to assign top priority to secrecy and integrity of the process, considering that its standard operating procedure was easily _(d)_, and the questions were circulated on instant messaging platforms. Yet, the problem is not new. State board question papers have been leaked in the past. When the HRD Ministry was asked in the Lok Sabha three years ago what it intended to do to secure the CBSE Class 12 and 10 examinations, the Minister then, asserted the _(e)_ of the process, since the question papers were sealed and stored in secret places and released to authorised officials with a window of only a few hours. In addition, the board has dedicated secrecy officers for each region. But the protocol has failed…

  1. Choose the correct option for the blank _(a)_.
  • sustenance
  • damage to
  • liability
  • imputation
  • allegation

Correct option is: B


….damage to it’s credibility…is the correct sequence. ‘the leak of its annual examination question papers’ serves as a clue here.

None of the following according to their meaning can fit the sentence appropriately:

Sustenance means food and drink regarded as a source of strength; nourishment.

Liability means the state of being legally responsible for something.

Imputation means a charge or claim that someone has done something undesirable; an accusation.

Allegation means a claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made without proof.

  1. Choose the correct option for the blank _(b)_.
  • fruition
  • culmination
  • standstill
  • nought
  • pass

Correct option is: B


If you try to do something but your efforts are not successful, you can say that your efforts come to nought. As for instance numerous attempts to persuade him to write his memoirs came to nought.

  1. Choose the correct option for the blank _(c)_.
  • strenuous
  • vexatious
  • facile
  • herculean
  • preposterous

Correct option is: A


They must now make another strenuous effort in a re-examination… strenuous means requiring or using great effort or exertion, not particular to physical work but inclusive of it; while Herculean would mean requiring great strength or effort with relation to physical activity. 

  1. Choose the correct option for the blank _(d)_.
  • abridged
  • attained
  • fraught
  • chased
  • breached

 Correct option is: E


Breach is an act of breaking a law, promise, agreement, or relationship

…its standard operating procedure was easily breached, and the questions were circulated on instant messaging platforms. 

  1. Choose the correct option for the blank _(e)_.
  • superfluity
  • anachronism
  • pliability
  • inviolability
  • culpability

 Correct option is: D


Inviolability refers to something that cannot be violated.

Direction(31 – 40): In the passage given below there are 10 words given in bold and each of these words is represented by a letter. For each word four alternative words are given as options A, B, C and D. You have to find which word among the options best replaces the already given word. Mark E (No change required) as your answer if the word given in bold is already correct both grammatically and contextually.

A (a) everlasting challenge facing all of the world’s countries, regardless of their level of economic development, is achieving financial stability, economic growth, and higher living standards. There are many different paths that can be taken to achieve these objectives, and every country’s path will be different given the distinctive nature of national economies and political systems. The (b) ingredient contributing to China’s high growth rate over the past two decades have, for example, been very different from those that have contributed to high growth in countries as (c) varied as Malaysia and Malta.


Yet, based on experiences throughout the world, several basic principles seem to (d) downgrade greater prosperity. These include investment (particularly foreign direct investment), the spread of technology, strong institutions, sound macroeconomic policies, an educated workforce, and the existence of a market economy. Furthermore, a common (e) denominator which appears to link nearly all high-growth countries together is their participation in, and integration with, the global economy.


There is (f) primary evidence, from countries of different sizes and different regions, that as countries “globalize” their citizens benefit, in the form of access to a wider variety of goods and services, lower prices, more and better-paying jobs, improved health, and higher overall living standards. It is probably no mere (g) obvious that over the past 20 years, as a number of countries have become more open to global economic forces, the percentage of the developing world living in extreme poverty —defined as living on less than $1 per day—has been cut in half.


As much as has been achieved in connection with globalization, there is much more to be done. Regional disparities (h) pursue: while poverty fell in East and South Asia, it actually rose in sub-Saharan Africa. The UN’s Human Development Report notes there are still around 1 billion people (i) living on less than $1 per day—with 2.6 billion living on less than $2 per day. Proponents of globalization argue that this is not because of too much globalization, but rather too little. And the biggest (j) security to continuing to raise living standards throughout the world is not that globalization will succeed but that it will fail. It is the people of developing economies who have the greatest need for globalization, as it provides them with the opportunities that come with being part of the world economy.

  1. Choose the correct option for the blank _(a)_.
  • inevitable
  • yearning
  • perennial
  • underlying
  • No change required

 Correct option is: C 

  1. Choose the correct option for the blank _(b)_.
  • ramications
  • aftermath
  • surroundings
  • elements
  • No change required

Correct option is: D

  1. Choose the correct option for the blank _(c)_.
  • downtrodden
  • terse
  • haphazard
  • different
  • No change required

Correct option is: E

  1. Choose the correct option for the blank _(d)_.
  • upgrade
  • underpin
  • satisfy
  • predicted
  • No change required

Correct option is: B

  1. Choose the correct option for the blank _(e)_.
  • scenario
  • registered
  • drive
  • goal
  • No change required

Correct option is: E 

  1. Choose the correct option for the blank _(f)_.
  • substantial
  • distorted
  • various
  • phenomenal
  • No change required

Correct option is: A

  1. Choose the correct option for the blank _(g)_.
  • incumbency
  • coincidence
  • judgement
  • situation
  • No change required

Correct option is: B

  1. Choose the correct option for the blank _(h)_.
  • provide
  • states
  • contemplate
  • persist
  • No change required

Correct option is: D

  1. Choose the correct option for the blank _(i)_.
  • surviving
  • ourishing
  • proliferating
  • thriving
  • No change required

Correct option is: A

  1. Choose the correct option for the blank _(j)_.
  2. growth
  3. threat
  4. zenith
  5. lull
  6. No change required

Correct option is: B

Directions (41-45): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicated by a letter. Find the suitable word from the options given against each number and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make the paragraph meaningfully complete.


The US government should be taking PM2.5 pollution much more seriously, tightening standards and increasing (a) ……for industry, power plants and transportation. The alternative is a populace with degraded health and mental skills. Fighting air pollution is even more important in China and India, whose rapid coal-powered industrialization has left their cities (b) ……in a haze of toxic smog. Beijing’s PM2.5 levels average about 100 micrograms per cubic meter, or about 10 times that of New York City, and regularly exceed twice that amount. India is even worse. This toxic air is so severe that it may be (c) ……the brains of an entire generation of Chinese and Indian children. A recent report by the World Bank found that test scores were significantly lower in these countries than in the developed world: The price China and India pay Poor countries generally tend to lag rich ones in test scores because of (d) ……nutrition and education systems. But China and India don’t even measure up to low-income Vietnam. Something is going wrong and air pollution is a good candidate. For the US, strengthening environmental regulations and cutting fine particulate matter would be a good idea. For China, India and other rapidly industrializing countries it’s an (e) …… necessity.

  1. The US government should be taking PM2.5 pollution much more seriously, tightening standards and increasing (a) ……for industry, power plants and transportation.
  • insatiable
  • enforcement
  • appetite
  • yearning
  • None of these

Correct option is: B


In the given sentence, only ‘enforcement’ makes it grammatically as well as contextually correct.

Option A: is incorrect because insatiable means an appetite for something that cannot be satisfied which does not fit here.

Option B: is the correct alternative among the following as ‘enforcement’ fit here both grammatically and contextually

Option C: is incorrect as appetite means desire.

Option D: is incorrect as yearning does not fit here contextually.

  1. Fighting air pollution is even more important in China and India, whose rapid coal-powered industrialization has left their cities (b) ……in a haze of toxic smog. A. blanketed
  2. ravenous
  3. sift
  4. tantamount
  5. None of these

Correct option is : A


In the given sentence, only ‘blanketed’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.

Option A: is the correct alternative among the following as ‘blanketed’ fit here both grammatically and contextually

Option B: is incorrect as ravenous means extremely hungry which does not make any sense here.

Option C: is incorrect as sift means put (a fine or loose substance) through a sieve so as to remove lumps or large particles.

Option D: is incorrect as ‘tantamount’ does not fit here contextually.


  1. This toxic air is so severe that it may be (c) ……the brains of an entire generation of Chinese and Indian children.
  • damaging
  • dissimilar
  • presumptive
  • improbable
  • None of these

Correct option is : A


In the given sentence, only ‘damaging’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.

Option A is the correct alternative among the following as damaging perfectly fits in the blank both grammatically and contextually

Option B is incorrect as dissimilar does not make any sense here.

Option C is incorrect because ‘presumptive’ means of the nature of a presumption; presumed in the absence of further information.

Option D is incorrect because ‘improbable’ is contextually wrong.


  1. Poor countries generally tend to lag rich ones in test scores because of (d) ……nutrition and education systems.
  • unlettered
  • refined
  • macabre
  • soothing
  • None of these

Correct option is : E


In the given sentence, only ‘inferior’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.

Option A: is incorrect because unlettered means (of a person) poorly educated or illiterate which does not fit here.

Option B: is incorrect as refined does not make any sense here.

Option C: is the incorrect as ‘macabre’ does not fit here.

Option D: is incorrect as soothing does not fit here contextually.


  1. For China, India and other rapidly industrializing countries it’s an (e) ……necessity.
  • assuage
  • palliate
  • avow
  • absolute
  • None of these

Correct option is : D


In the given sentence, only ‘absolute’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.

Option A: is incorrect because assuage means make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense which does not fit here.

Option B: is incorrect as palliate does not make any sense here.

Option C: is incorrect as ‘avow’ does not fit here.

Option D: is the correct alternative among the following as ‘absolute’ fit here both grammatically and contextually


DIRECTIONS (46 – 50): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been indicated by a letter. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case. 


With at least 127 people dead and many more wounded, Paris will keep counting its dead for a while. It may take longer yet to come to grips with the scale of the _(a)_ that took so many lives. The terrorists had chosen their targets with chilling care, picking sites where strangers share an unspoken camaraderie.


It is Paris’s Syria policy that has actually contributed to the _(b)_ of the West Asian country that created circumstances for the rise of groups such as IS. Even if France has started bombing IS targets in Syria, Paris was in the forefront of the countries that backed different rebel groups in Syria against the government of President Bashar al-Assad. France has been hosting a group of Syrian opposition leaders since the outbreak of the civil war in that country. It could have used its influence to facilitate a political settlement in Syria that would _(c)_ statehood in the war-ravaged country and eventually strengthen the war against IS. It didn’t, and thereby helped _(d)_ the conflict. Additionally, France should seriously ask itself why radical groups are finding recruits from its soil. The _(e)_ of French multiculturalism and an increasingly narrow interpretation of secularism in France have only added to the radicalization of the youth in the country.


  1. Mark the correct option for blank _(a)_.
  • blessing
  • boon
  • decay
  • mischief
  • tragedy

 Correct option is : E

  1. Mark the correct option for blank _(b)_.
  • unwholesomeness
  • destabilisation
  • erosion
  • depreciation
  • stabilization

 Correct option is : B

  1. Mark the correct option for blank _(c)_.
  • restore
  • destroy
  • damage
  • refurbish
  • cure 

Correct option is : A

  1. Mark the correct option for blank _(d)_.
  • inflate
  • improve
  • ease
  • escalate
  • hike 

Correct option is : D

  1. Mark the correct option for blank _(e)_.
  • collapse
  • rise
  • withering
  • ascent
  • impairment

Correct option is : A

Directions: In the following passage, some of the words have been made bold, each of which is preceded by a letter. Find the suitable word from the options given below that could replace the bold word so as to make the paragraph meaningful.

After years of ___ a ___ disputed over whether Pluto is a planet, in 2006 the International Astronomical Union (IAU) voted to remove Pluto’s planetary status. Now some researchers are ___ b ___ validating this decision, citing the manner in which scientific tradition has dealt with the taxonomy of planets. The IAU, in 2006, designated Pluto a ‘dwarf planet’ along with Ceres in the asteroid belt and Xena, an object in the Kuiper belt, which is an icy ring of frozen objects that circle the solar system beyond Neptune’s orbit. It was a bid to overcome sentiment and go by scientific ___ c ___ reflection . The meeting defined three conditions for a celestial object to be called a planet: one, it must orbit the Sun; two, it should be massive enough to acquire an approximately spherical shape; three, it has to ‘clear its orbit’, that is, be the object that ___ d ___ excerpts the maximum gravitational pull within its orbit. Owing to this third property, if an object ventures close to a planet’s orbit, it will either collide with it and be accreted, or be ejected out. However, Pluto is affected ___ e ___ at Neptune’s gravity. It also shares its orbit with the frozen objects in the Kuiper belt. Based on this, the IAU deemed that Pluto did not ‘clear its orbit’. Dwarf planets, on the other hand, need only satisfy the first two conditions.

This rationale has been questioned by Philip Metzger, a planetary physicist who has worked with the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and others who have studied the history of classifying planets and come up with several ___ f ___ abnormal to the third rule. In a paper published in the journal Icarus, they point out that the only work in history that used this rule to classify planets was an article by William Herschel in 1802. They also argue that this work was based on reasoning and observations that have ___ g ___ because been disproved. However, the last argument does not build up a strong enough case to give up what is, in fact, a sensible rule. Physics has many examples where an idea was once ___ h ___ jeopardized for being incorrect, and much later emerged in a different form and gained acceptance — the concept of photons, for instance. And then again, if Pluto were to be re-designated a planet, many more complications would ___ i ___ dwell . For one thing, Charon, Pluto’s moon, is much too large to be called a satellite. Judging by this, the Charon-Pluto system should then rightly be called a binary planet system. This would then lead to classifying several other sets of bodies as binary planets. Recent research shows that both the Kuiper Belt and the Oort cloud, a shell of objects that surrounds the entire solar system far beyond the Kuiper belt, contain objects that can then be called planets, thereby complicating the issue. Denying planetary status to Pluto is then nothing less than a sweep of Occam’s razor, and Pluto remains a dwarf planet, ___ j ___ all an exceptional one.

  1. Choose the correct option for the blank _(a)_.
  • Entertaining
  • Speculating
  • Arguing
  • Teaching
  • No replacement required

Correct option is : C

  1. Choose the correct option for the blank _(b)_.
  2. Agreeing
  3. Bound
  4. Rejecting
  5. Challenging
  6. No replacement required

Correct option is : D


  1. Choose the correct option for the blank _(c)_.
  • Morale
  • Rationale
  • Emotions
  • Logical
  • No replacement required

Correct option is : B


  1. Choose the correct option for the blank _(d)_.
  • Exerts
  • Pulls
  • Donates
  • Ushers
  • No replacement required

Correct option is : A

  1. Choose the correct option for the blank _(e)_.
  • With
  • At
  • By
  • For
  • No replacement required

Correct option is : C

  1. Choose the correct option for the blank _(f)_.
  2. Expectations
  3. Accept
  4. Exceptions
  5. Notations
  6. No replacement required

Correct option is : C

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